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Unit 9 : Unreal past forms for present wishes and past regrets.

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade المواد المشتركة توجيهي

Unit 9       

Unreal past forms for present wishes
● We use (wish or If only + Past Simple) to express wishes about the present that are impossible or unlikely to happen.

     I wish I knew the answer.
     I wish we lived in a bigger flat.

● With the verb to be, both (was and were ) can be used with (I, he, she, and it).

     He wishes he was/were taller.
     If only we were older.

Test yourself.

  • I don't know the answer.

   I wish ...................................................

  • I live in a small flat.

   I wish ...................................................

   If only ..................................................

  • He is not tall enough.

   He wishes ...........................................

   He wishes ...........................................

  • We aren't old enough.

   If only  ................................................

   If only .................................................

  • I am not very good at maths.

   I wish .................................................

  • It is very cold outside.

   If only ................................................


1. I wish I knew the answer.

2. I wish I lived in a bigger flat.

    If only I didn't live in a small flat.

3. He wishes he were taller.

    He wishes he weren't short.

         4. If only we were older.

             If only we weren't younger

         5. I wish I were better at maths.

         6. If only it weren't very cold outside.


Unreal past forms for past regrets
● We use wish or If only + Past Perfect to express regrets about the past.

 ● We might use it to reflect on past actions if we are trying to improve our work or our behaviour.

● The tense of the verb after (wish) is more in the past than the action it is describing.

  • I wish I had done more work for my exam.                       (I didn't do much work for my exam.)
  • I wish I hadn’t bought these shoes. They hurt my feet.   (I bought these shoes .)
  • We’re late. If only we’d caught the earlier bus.                 (I didn't catch the earlier bus.)

Some possible changes.

Didn’t + v-inf                 =======è had + v3

V2                                  =======è hadn't + V3

was/ were                     =======è hadn't been

wasn’t / weren't           =======è had been

should have + V3         =======è had + V3

 shouldn’t + have + V3    ======è hadn't  + V3

regret V-ing                 =======è hadn't V3

regret + not + v-ing      =======èhad + v3

very /too/ really         == ======è so

very well                       =======è better

much                              == =====è more

adj + enough                   =======èadj + er   / more + adj

Test yourself.

    1. I didn't do much work for my exam.

        I wish ............................................................................

    2. I bought these shoes. They hurt my feet.

        I wish................. ..............................................................

    3. We didn't catch the earlier bus. We're late.

        If only ...............................................................................

     4. I am very hungry! I wish I had eaten before I went to the conference.

         I am very hungry! I...................................................................................


1. I wish I had done more work for my exam.

2. I wish I hadn't bought these shoes.

3. If only we'd caught the earlier bus.

4.  I am very hungry! I didn't eat before I went to the conference.