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Unit 9 : The world of business (Writing)

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade المواد المشتركة توجيهي

Unit 9         

Writing: Page 65, exercise 7


Writing skills: An informal letter

When you write an informal letter,

  • Use language that is similar to spoken English. 
  • Use abbreviations instead of full forms.

I wish I hadn’t given up the piano. Last year, we always played basketball after
school, but I’d rather have played tennis.


  • Informal letters usually have idioms and phrasal verbs.
  • Use active rather than passive verbs.

Please let me know if ...;

someone told me that ...

I wasn’t put off by ...


Writing skills: Writing informally

  • We always begin a letter with Dear [name], whether it is formal or informal.
  •  In emails, we are less formal and tend to use Hello [name], or Hi!
  • In open letters, we use a group noun to address all the people that we want to include, such as Dear fellow students.
  •  In all of the above, it is fine to use abbreviations such as I’m, and don’t.
  • We can end emails and letters (not open letters) with Best wishes/See you soon/Looking forward to hearing from you.
  • We end an open letter repeating what we want to say.

7 Write an informal letter to a friend about some of your wishes and regrets. Write about 100 words.

Students’ own answers

Writing: Page 67, exercise 8

8 Choose or invent a product. Note down its good and bad qualities. Write a paragraph of 100 words about it, ending with your opinion.

Students’ own answers

Quotation Read the quotation. Do you agree with it? Why/Why not?

Unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice,
it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger.

Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883 CE–1931 CE)

 مالم تتعاملوا بينكم بالمحبة والعدل فان الجشع سيسيطر على بعضكم بينما الاخرون يتضورون جوعا.


It is likely that Gibran is talking about trade here since he references ‘some’ and ‘others’, which could mean the general population of a country. He is talking about mutual respect, and this could be applied to any exchange, as well as trade. 

Sample review

Writing: Page 69, exercise 11

Reviews include:
1 Introduction (say what you are reviewing/some background)

2 General overview
3 Conclusion and recommendation (state your overall opinion)

Introduction: Give a general report.
Body: Cover both positive and negative aspects.
Conclusion: Summarise and recommend.