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Unit 9: Our country's imports and exports (Student's book p.66)

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade المواد المشتركة توجيهي

Unit 9           

Student’s Book, pages 66 and 67 

Vocabulary: Page 66, exercise 1   

                                                         Our country's imports and exports

1 DW The words in the box below are all related to trade. Check the meaning of any word(s) that you do not know in the Glossary on pages 95–96 or in a dictionary. Using as many of the words as you can, try to write a few sentences about what trade is.

agreement        dominate           export (n)        extraction 

   Gross Domestic Product        import (n)          reserve (n)






English meaning

agreement (n)

agree (v)

an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people, companies, or organisations.

domestic (adj)

domesticate (v)

domesticity (n)

relating to or happening in one particular country and not involving any other countries.


dominate (v)

dominance (n)

dominant (adj)

to be the most important feature of something.

export (n+v)

exportation (n)

goods sold to another country.

extraction (n)

extract (v)

the process of removing and obtaining something from something else

fertiliser (n)

fertilise (v)

fertilisation (n)

fertile (adj)

a substance that is put on the land to make crops grow

goods (n) 

things that are produced in order to be sold

Gross Domestic

Product (n)

the value of a country‟s total output of goods and services.

import (v+n)

importation (n)

imported (adj)

goods bought from other countries.

pharmaceuticals (n)

pharmaceutical (adj)

companies that produce drugs and medicine.


reserve (v+n)  

something kept back or set aside, especially for future use.

mineral (n+ adj ) a substance that is present in some foods and is needed for good health; a substance that is found naturally in the earth.

2 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.
1 Why do countries need to export and import goods?
2 Why should our community buy Jordanian goods?
3 Which of the following goods do you think Jordan exports?

   fertiliser    gas    knitwear    minerals         oil     pharmaceuticals       vegetables




1 They export goods to make money, and they import goods that they don’t grow or manufacture themselves.
2 Our community should buy Jordanian goods in order to support Jordanian industries.
3 fertiliser, knitwear, minerals, pharmaceuticals, vegetables

3 Read the business report about Jordanian imports and exports. Check your answers to exercise 2.

Our country's imports and exports

In this report,  we will look at the countries that Jordan trades with and what goods it exports and imports.

First, let's look at exports. Jordan is rich in potash and phosphate, and the extraction industry for these minerals is one of the largest in the world.  (1) Not surprisingly, two of Jordan's largest exports are chemicals and fertilisers. Pharmaceuticals and other industries represent 30% of Jordan's Gross Domestic Product  (GDP), and 75% of Jordan's pharmaceuticals are exported. (2) However, the majority (65%)  of the economy is dominated by services, mostly travel and tourism. Most of Jordan's exports go to Iraq, the USA, India, and Saudi Arabia.

Now let's look at imports. Unlike some other countries in the Middle East, Jordan does not have large oil or gas reserves. (3) For that reason, Jordan has to import oil and gas for its energy needs. Its other main imports are cars, medicines and wheat. In 2013 CE, 23.6 % of  Jordan's imports were from Saudi Arabia. This was followed by the EU, with 17.6 % of its imports. Other imports have come from China and the United States.

 Jordan has more free trade agreements than any other Arab country, and it trades freely with many countries, including the USA, Canada and Malaysia. Which other areas are important for Jordan's trade? Jordan first signed a trade agreement with the EU in 1997 CE. It signed a free trade agreement with Egypt, Morocco and  Tunisia in 2004 CE. In 2011 CE, another trade agreement was made with the EU, Egypt,  Morocco and Tunisia. (4)Trade with the EU and North Africa, in particular, is likely to grow.





















Our country's imports and exports

In this report,  we will look at the countries that Jordan trades with and what goods it exports and imports.

First, let's look at exports. Jordan is rich in potash and phosphate, and the extraction industry for these minerals is one of the largest in the world.  Not surprisingly, two of Jordan's largest exports are chemicals and fertilisers. Pharmaceuticals and other industries represent 30% of Jordan's Gross Domestic Product  (GDP), and 75% of Jordan's pharmaceuticals are exported. However, the majority (65%)  of the economy is dominated by services, mostly travel and tourism. Most of Jordan's exports go to Iraq, the USA, India and Saudi Arabia.

  • Jordan is rich in two minerals: potash and phosphate.
  • Jordan extracts chemicals and fertilisers from potash and phosphate. 
  • Chemicals and fertilisers are two of Jordan's largest exports.
  • Pharmaceuticals and other industries represent 30% of Jordan's Gross Domestic Product  (GDP).
  • 75% of Jordan's pharmaceuticals are exported.
  • (65%) of the Jordanian economy is dominated by services, mostly travel and tourism.
  • Jordan's exports go to countries like Iraq, the USA, India and Saudi Arabia.
  • The underlined pronoun 'itin the text above refers to Jordan.
  • The word export means goods sold to another country.
  • The word import means goods bought from other countries.
  • The word Pharmaceuticals means companies which produce drugs and medicine.
Now let's look at imports. Unlike some other countries in the Middle East, Jordan does not have large oil or gas reserves. For that reason, Jordan has to import oil and gas for 'its'  energy needs. Its other main imports are cars, medicines and wheat. In 2013 CE, 23.6 % of   Jordan's imports were from Saudi Arabia. This was followed by the EU, with 17.6 % of its imports. Other imports have come from China and the United States.
  • Jordan has to import oil and gas for its energy needs because it does not have large oil or gas reserves.
  • Jordan imports many goods like oil, gas, cars, medicines, and wheat.
  • Saudi Arabia supplies Jordan with most of its imports.23.6 % of Jordan's imports(nearly 24%).
  • The EU( European Unionsupplies Jordan with 17.6 % of its imports. Nearly (18%).
  • Jordan's imports have come from China and the United States.
  • The underlined pronoun 'its' in the text above refers to Jordan.
  • The word reserve means something kept back or set aside, especially for future use.
 Jordan has more free trade agreements than any other Arab country, and it trades freely with many countries, including the USA, Canada and Malaysia. Which other areas are important for Jordan's trade? Jordan first signed a trade agreement with the EU in 1997 CE. It signed a free trade agreement with Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia in 2004 CE. In 2011 CE, another trade agreement was made with the EU, Egypt,  Morocco and Tunisia. Trade with the EU and North Africa in particular is likely to grow.
  • Jordan has free trade agreements with many countries, including the USA, Canada, and Malaysia.
  • In 2004 CE, Jordan signed a free trade agreement with Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia.
  • In 2011 CE, another trade agreement was made with the EU, Egypt,  Morocco, and Tunisia. 
  • Trade with the EU and North Africa in particular is likely to grow because Jordan signed a trade agreement with them.
  • The underlined pronoun 'It' in the text above refers to Jordan.
  • The word 'agreement' means an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people, companies or organisations.