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Unit 8 lessons 3, 4, 5 and 6

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي


Unit 8

Lessons 3 + 4

SB pages 66 and 67

SB 65


1 Which newspapers or magazines do you read? What kinds of story interest you most?


Unit 8

Lessons 5+6

SB pages 68 and 69


While reading


A scientific research project has found that wild chimpanzees use at least 66 gestures to communicate with each other. After researchers had spent time with the animals in Borneo, they studied 120 hours of video they had recorded. They were looking for signs that the animals were using signals to communicate with each other. They looked to see if the chimps were looking at each other, in order to be sure that the gestures had a purpose, that is, to communicate something. If the animal didn’t respond to the gesture, the gesture was made over and over again, until there was a response. The results suggest that there is a common system of communication across the species.



A postcard sent from Florida has finally reached its destination in England. It had been posted in 1957 CE! This postcard had been addressed to someone working at an education centre. The building had once been a school. Staff at the education centre have been trying to find the addressee. The card, which appears to have been written by a grandparent, describes a trip to Florida, USA. He wrote that it had rained a bit that day but it was still hot. A spokesperson for the Post Office said that the postcard had probably been put back in a postbox recently. He said that the mail was never in the sorting office for that length of time.



In 2001 CE, a girl called Laura Buxton, from Staffordshire, UK, wrote a message with her name and address on a helium-filled balloon. She then sent it into the air, where it disappeared. A few weeks later, the balloon landed nearly 200 kilometres away in southern England. The man who found it took it to his neighbours, the Buxtons, who had a daughter called Laura. They were surprised to learn that it was from another girl with the same name. The two girls got in touch with each other, decided to meet and became best friends.



An artist has kept all her text messages, and after twelve years, she had collected about 100,000 messages. She kept the first few messages because she enjoyed reading them over again – it was like a personal diary. It is also a record of history, covering world events. Every time a text message arrived, she saved the contents. She wrote them in notebooks when her phone ran out of space to store them. She eventually filled more than 60 notebooks. Then she started copying them on to her computer. The woman took her collection to a publisher, and the book has now been published and translated into several languages.


The text talks about:

-The four forms of communication.

- How chimpanzees communicate with each other, according to the scientists in Borneo.

-The reason of taking the postcard such a long time to be delivered.

- The reason of taking the man in southern England the balloon that he had found to his neighbours.

- Our idea of communication has changed dramatically in the last 100 years.

- Letters are still often sent between friends, even though we can just send an email instead.


After reading

- Letters are still often sent between friends, even though we can just send an email instead. Justify this statement.

Students’ own answers.