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unit 4: Success stories (writing)

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade المواد المشتركة توجيهي

Unit 4              


Page 29,

Writing strategie

Structuring a paragraph
Each paragraph should cover one main idea or topic.
Introduce the topic in the first sentence of each paragraph. This is called the topic sentence.

Explain your ideas in more detail in the next sentences of the paragraph.
• Summarise and conclude your ideas in the last sentence of the paragraph.


  • Skimming a text means going through it quickly to get an overall idea of the content. We are not interested in details or any specific information while skimming. 

To write a summary, you need to become adept at skimming for important material.

Explain the content in no more than two sentences.
• Write down keywords.
• Read it again and lightly cross out detailed or repeated information.
• Note down one sentence to represent each paragraph.
• Create a thesis statement to start your summary (go through the
sentences you have written and write a general statement that explains the main idea).

Useful language:
t is understood that...; It is often suggested that...; Many people believe that...; It is evident that...;
For this reason...; It could be argued that...; Thus it can be seen that...
