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To talk about the past

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الرابع

​​​​​​Unit 18 ( Review)

Pupil’s book page 72 ex 1 ( listen and read)

Kareem and Samira’s diary

We finished our project last week. Many children sent us emails about our project.

Where did you go last week?

We went to Madaba last week. We saw the mosaic map and Kareem found an old coin!

When did you plant the tree, Kareem?

We planted a tree in the school garden. We must water the tree tomorrow. It is hot now.

What did you enjoy about the project?

We learned a lot about our beautiful country. We enjoyed the project a lot.

Pre reading questions

1-Where did you go last week? I went to Aqaba.

2- Did you plant the tree last year? Yes, I did.

3- What did you enjoy about this book? The Earth isn’t the biggest planet.

While reading questions

  1. When did Kareem and Samira finish their project?They finished their project last week
  2. What did many children send to Kareem and Samira? Many children sent emails about their project.
  3. What did Kareem and Samira see? They saw the mosaic map
  4. What did Kareem find? Kareem found an old coin
  5. Where did they plant the tree? In the school garden
  6. Is it hot now? Yes, it is.
  7. Did they enjoy the project? Yes, they did.

Post reading questions:

Did you enjoy the subjects of this book? Yes, I did