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To talk about the future

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الخامس

Unit 5  (Are you going to see planes?)

Be going to+infinitive (lesson 3+4)

( be+ going to+infinitive) is used to express an idea in the near future or  to predict about something

I'm going to talk to Sara. (Very soon I will talk to her)

I am…..

He, she ,it is….

You, we, they are……

  • I am going to see a film tonight. 
  •  He's going to do his homework.
  • They're going to read the story.


  • I am not going to see a film tonight. 
  •  He is not going to do his homework.
  • They are not going to read the story.


  • Are you going to see a film tonight?
  • Is he going to do his homework?
  • Are they going to read the story?