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To talk about places in Jordan

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade السادس

Unit 1 (Use a dictionary)

Pupil’s book page 6 ex 4 (Read and answer) Lesson 3+4

Umm Qais: A beautiful place in Jordan             by Kareem

Umm Qais is in the north of Jordan. It is about 110 kilometres from Amman, and it is near Irbid. In the past its name was Jadara.

There are a lot of Roman buildings in Umm Qais. They are very interesting. This is a photo of the Western Theatre. I think that this is the most beautiful building.

There is a big hall in Umm Qais. You can see Lake Tiberias from the top of the hill. It is very beautiful.

There were walls around Umm Qais in the past. There were also Roman roads. It is a very interesting place. I want to visit Umm Qais with my family.

Pre reading questions:

  • What are you going to read about? Umm Qais
  • Have you ever visited Umm Qais? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t

While reading questions:

  • Where is Umm Qais? Umm Qais is in the north of Jordan.
  • Is Umm Qais near Irbid? Yes, it is
  •  What was it called in the past? Jadara
  • Are there a lot of Roman buildings in Umm Qais? Yes, there are.
  • What can you see from the top of the hill? Lake Tiberias
  • Were there walls around Umm Qais in the past? Yes, there were
  • Write down the sentence which shows an opinion. I think that this is the most beautiful building
  • “Umm Qais is in the north of Jordan. It is about 110 kilometres from Amman.” The underlined pronoun “it” refers to Umm Qais

Post reading questions:

  • Would you like to visit other places in Jordan with you Family or friends? If Yes, name some of them. Free answers