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اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الرابع

Unit 4 (Review)

Pupil’s book page 18 ex 5 (Read, match and answer)

  1. Amal can’t play volleyball. Amal can draw. She likes drawing flowers.
  2. Tareq is very good at sports. He can run very fast. Tareq’s favourite sport is table tennis.
  3. Fatima is good at volleyball. She sometimes wins her volleyball matches!
  4. Issa doesn’t like sports. He likes reading. He always has a book.

Pre reading questions

  • Can you play volleyball? Yes, I can/ No, I can’t
  • Do you like reading?  Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

While reading questions

  • Can Amal play volleyball? No, she can’t.
  • Does she like drawing flowers? Yes, she does.
  • Can Tareq run very fast? Yes, he can.
  • What is Tareq’s favourite sport? Table tennis.
  • What is Fatima good at?  Volleyball.
  • Does she always win? No, she doesn’t.
  • Does Issa like sports? No, he doesn’t.
  • What does Issa like? He likes reading

Post reading questions

  • What is your favourite sport? (free answers table tennis, volleyball……
  • Do you like drawing? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.