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To make comparisons

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الخامس

Unit 7 (She is the youngest in the family)

(Comparative  & Superlative adjectives)   (lesson 3+4)

Ali is tall          (tall is an adjective) صفة

Ali is taller than Sami       

We use than when we want to compare one thing with another  (مقارنة بين اثنين)

Ali is the tallest boy in the class.  We use “theWith superlative adjectives اسم التفضيل

Adjectives with one syllable (صفات لها مقطع واحد فقط)


1- We usually use(-er -est) to one-syllable words to make comparative/ superlative:

Old-older- oldest

2- If an adjective ends in e, we use (-r –st):

Large- larger -largest

3-If an adjective ends in a vowel (a   e   I   o   u), we double the consonant:

Big -bigger- biggest

4-If an adjective ends by using ( -y), we change –y to –i and add (-er-est):

Happy-happier- happiest

Long Adjectives:

Maha is beautiful

Maha is more beautiful than Sara.  { more+long adjective +than}

Maha is the most beautiful girl in the class.{ The+most+long adjective}

Irregular Adjective

good-better than- the best

Ahmad is good at maths.

Ahmad is better than Sami

Ahmad is the best in the class.