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To give and follow instructions

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الخامس

Unit 11 (The meal tastes delicious)

Pupil’s book page 44. Ex 1 (listen and read) 

Picture 1

Mum: I’m going to show you how to make mujaddara. First, cut the onions. Then, cook some onions in a frying pan.

Samira: Does this take a long time?

Mum: No, it doesn’t. The onions taste delicious.

Picture 2

Mum: Then, wash the lentils. Cook the lentils in water with salt and pepper. Then, put the rice and spices in the saucepan.

Kareem : I can hear the water in the saucepan. It sounds noisy.

Samira: That smells good!

Picture 3

Mum: Next, mix the white onions with the lentils and the rice. Put the brown onions on top of the lentils and the rice. The plate feels hot!

Picture 4

Mum: finally, serve the meal on a big plate with a bowl of yoghurt and some salad.

Grandma: it looks beautiful.

Grandpa: It tastes delicious.

Mum: Thank you, everyone!

Pre questions:

Free answers

  1. Do you like mujaddara? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.
  2. Have you ever cooked it? Yes, I have/No,I haven’t.
  3. Is it tasty? Yes, it is /No, it isn’t
  4. What are these:


      bowl                       frying pan                      plate                               mix                                   saucepan                        cut

To sequence events we use:

First,  اولا

Next-then, ثم - بعد ذلك

Finally. اخيرا

While reading questions

  1. What is the first step to cook mujaddara?
  2. What tastes delicious?
  3. How does she cook the lentils?
  4. How does it smell?
  5. Does she mix the onions with the lentils and the rice?
  6. Where does she put the brown onions?
  7. How does it smell?
  8. What does she serve the meal on?
  9. How does it taste?


  1. First, cut the onions.
  2. The onions.
  3. She cooks the lentils in water with salt and pepper.
  4. It smells good.
  5. Yes, she does.
  6. She puts the brown onions on top of the lentils and the rice.
  7. It smells good.
  8. She serves the meal on a big plate
  9. It tastes delicious

Post questions

For you:

  1. What tastes delicious? (ice cream, sweet……)
  2. What smells good? (flowers, perfume)
  3. What looks nice? ( gardens. The sea,……….