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to describe towns and buildings

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الخامس

Unit 16 (Life will be different)

Pupil’s book page 66 ex 4 (Read and complete)

In the past, the buildings in Amman weren’t very tall. They didn’t have more than four floors. Today, more people live and work in the city.

There isn’t any space for more small houses. I think that architects will design taller buildings. On tall building in Amman now has thirty-five floors. But there will soon be two taller buildings. These buildings will have forty-four floors! They will have homes, offices, and a hotel. They will be the tallest buildings in Amman.

In the future, I think that there will be a lot of tall skyscrapers in my city.


Pre reading questions

  1. Who wrote this text? Kareem
  2. Does Amman have tall buildings? Yes, it does                                                                                                                                                                               

While reading question

            1. Were the buildings in Amman very tall in the past? No they weren’t.

            2-How many floors were they? They didn’t have more than four floors.

           3-Is there any space for more small houses? No, there isn’t.

           4-How many floors does the tall building in Amman now have? Thirty-five floors

            5-How many floors do the two tall buildings in Amman soon have? forty-four floors

            6-What will the two tall buildings in Amman have? Homes, offices, and a hotel.

           7-In the future, I think that there will be a lot of tall skyscrapers in my city.

The underlined pronoun “My” refers to …….(Kareem)

Post reading questions

1-Does an architect work in an office?  Yes, he does

          2-How many floors does your home have? 4 floors