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To describe presents

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الخامس

Unit 7 (She is the youngest in the family)

Pupil’s book page 28 ex 1 (Listen and read) lesson 1+2

Picture 1

Mum: You have a new baby cousin! It’s a girl!

Samira: She is the youngest in the family.

Kareem: Can we buy a present for our cousin, Mum?

Mum: Yes, you can

Picture 2

Mum: Let’s choose something useful, children.

Samira: I like these earrings, but they are the most expensive present here!

Kareem: I think that this rattle is better. It’s the most colourful toy.

Mum: That blanket is nice, too. I think that it’s more useful than a toy.

Picture 3

Samira: This rattle is interesting. I think that it’s the best present.

Kareem: Yes, you’re right. Let’s buy the rattle and this bracelet.

Mum: I’ll buy this blanket, too.

Picture 4

Samira: Our baby cousin is beautiful!

Kareem: Look, she likes our present!

Aunt Muna: Thank you, Samira and Kareem. You are the kindest children I know!

Pre reading questions:

  • Dou you like presents? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.
  • Do you like babies? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.
  • Meanings:

Nice:جميل              kind: لطيف        useful: مفيد     expensive: غالي   cousin ابن العم

  • What are these:

  baby                                  present                 rattle                          bracelet                      blanket                           earrings


While reading questions:

  • Who is the youngest person in the family? The new baby cousin
  • What do they want to buy? They want to buy a present
  • Are the earrings expensive? Yes, they are.
  • Which is the most colourful toy? The rattle.
  • Is the blanket more useful than the toy? Yes, it is
  • Does Samira like the toy? Yes, she does
  • Is the toy interesting? Yes, it is
  • Is the baby beautiful? Yes, she is
  • Does the baby like the present? Yes, she does.
  • Are Samira and Kareem kind? Yes, they are
  • What does Aunt Muna think? She thinks they are the kindest children she knows
  • Which presents do they buy? The bracelet, the rattle and the blanket.

Post reading questions:

  • Which presents do you like? free answers
  • Name things that are ( colourful, interesting, useful….) Free answers e.g books are useful. Stories are interesting……