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To describe animals

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الخامس

Unit 7 (She is the youngest in the family)

Activity book page 29 ex 5 (Read and find the mistakes) lesson 6

My favourite animal        By Sultan

My favourite animal is the tiger. Tigers are orange, black and white. They are very dangerous. They are the biggest and heaviest cats on Earth.  A Siberian tiger weighs 360 kilos. Some tigers are more powerful than lions!

Tigers usually live in forests. They like water and they can swim better than smaller cats. They are very fast. A tiger can run at 65 kilometres an hour! They have big teeth and eat deer and other animals. They sleep in the day when it is the hottest. They hunt in the night because it is colder. I think that they are beautiful and very interesting.

Pre reading questions:

  • Have you ever seen a tiger? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t
  • Are tigers dangerous animals? Yes, they are.
  • Meanings:

Powerful: قوي           hunt:     يصطاد

  • What is this:
  • deer

While reading questions:

  • What is Sultan’s favourite animal? The tiger.
  • What colour are tigers? They are orange, black and white.
  • Are some tigers more powerful than lions? Yes, they are.
  • Where do they usually live? In forests.
  • Can they swim? Yes, they can.
  • What do they eat? They eat deer and other animals.
  • When do they sleep? They sleep in the day when it is the hottest.
  • When do they hunt?  They hunt in the night.

Post reading questions:

  • Do you think that tigers are beautiful or interesting? Free answers