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To describe animals

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الخامس

Unit 7 (She is the youngest in the family)

Pupil’s book page 30 ex 4 (Read and match) lesson 5

Young animals

  1. A baby elephant

This animal is one of the heaviest baby animals. It weighs more than a hundred kilos! It doesn’t know to use its trunk. It sometimes plays with it.

  1. A baby brown bear

This baby animal can climb trees. Its mother can’t climb because it is heavier. It is brown. It usually has one brother or sister; it can smell better than most animals.

  1. A baby giraffe

This beautiful baby animal is two metres tall. That is taller than a horse! It can walk when it is about one hour old. When it is bigger, it eats leaves from tall trees.


Pre reading questions

  • Have you ever visited a zoo? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.
  •  Have you ever seen young animals? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.
  • Meanings
  • weigh: يوزن           heavy:   ثقيل         smell:   يشم         
  • What are these:
  •          trunk                             horse                             leaves

While reading questions

Are these sentences right or wrong?

  • A baby elephant is one of the heaviest baby animals    Right
  •  A baby elephant knows to use its trunk.      Wrong
  • The brown bear can’t climb trees     Wrong
  • A baby brown bear usually has one brother and a sister   Wrong
  • A baby brown bear can smell better than most animals      Right
  • A baby giraffe is taller than a horse      Right
  • A baby giraffe can’t walk when it is about one hour old.    Wrong
  • When a baby giraffe is bigger, it eats leaves from tall trees     Right


Post reading questions

  • Do you like reading about animals and their babies? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
  •  Does Science talk about animals? Yes, it does