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to compare past and present

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الرابع

Unit 14 (We didn’t live in a city)

Activity book page 54 ex.3 (Read and circle True or False)

In the past some people didn’t live in villages, they lived in the desert. They didn’t live in houses in the desert, they lived in tents. They didn’t have cars, they used camels to travel.

In the past some people didn’t have mobile phones or computers. They didn’t go to sports centres and they didn’t watch television or listen to the radio. They didn’t go on holiday and their children didn’t have bicycles and lots of toys. The girls played with dolls. They watched the stars and they talked.

Pre reading questions

1-Do you like living in the desert? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

While reading questions

  1. Where did people in the desert live? They lived in tents.
  2. Did they have cars? No, they didn’t.
  3. Did people in the past have mobile phones? No, they didn’t
  4. Did their children have bicycles? No, they didn’t.

Post reading questions

  1. Did your grandparents in the past live in a tent? Yes, they did/ No, they didn’t.
  2. Did they have cars? Yes, they did/ No, they didn’t.