JO Academy school

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To ask questions

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الرابع

Unit 15 (What time did you arrive?)

Pupil’s book page 61 ex.3 (Ask and answer)

WH- questions

WH-questions are questions starting with WH-words ( what, when, where, how).

Question words are used to ask about information(time, place, …….)

How to form WH-questions?

Wh-word + did + subject + main verb …?


Asking  about things

- What did you play?

   I played tennis


Asking about time

- When did you visit your friend?

  I visited my friend yesterday.


Asking about places

- Where did you live when you were young?

  I lived in a village.


 Asking about manner

- How did you travel to America?

I travelled by plane