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اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الرابع

Unit 18 ( Review)

Pupil’s book page 74 ex 5 ( Read  and match)

  1. We went to Wadi Rum. It is beautiful. We saw the desert. We stayed in tents. We saw the stars at night
  2. I went to Petra last summer with my family. I learned about how people lived in the past. People carved many buildings in the pink rocks.
  3. We visited Wadi Mujib. We saw many animals and birds. They are safe there. We saw the waterfall. We had a lovely walk.

Pre reading questions

1-Do you like visiting new places in Jordan? Yes, I do

While reading questions

1-Is Wadi Rum beautiful? Yes, it is.

2-What did they saw at night? The stars

3-What did people carve in the pink rocks? People carved many buildings

4-what did they see in Wadi Mujib? They saw many animals and birds.

5-Are animals and birds safe in Wadi Mujib? Yes, they are.

Post reading questions

Do you like seeing nature or historical places? I like nature


  1. B       2.   A        3. C