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To answer questions related to the text

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الرابع

Pupil's book page 42  exercise  3 ( Read and answer) READING

lesson 5

Dear Ali,

My favourite museum is the Children's Museum. It's in Al-Hussein National Park in Amman. It's the biggest children's museum in the Middle East. It is the brightest museum in Amman! There is a library, a theatre,a resturant and a shop. My favourite room is the planetarium. Come and have fun! It's a great place to learn about life on Earth.



1-Who is writing this letter? to whom?

      It's from Kareem to Ali

2- have you ever visited a museum?

Yes, I have/No,I haven't

3- What are these


             library                                  shop                               theatre    


While reading

1-What is Kareem Favourit museum?

His favourite museum is C. 

2-Why  is the Children's Museum important?

Because it's the biggest children's museum in the Middle East.

3-Is it the brightest museum in Amman?

Yes,it is

4-What can you see in the Children's Museum?

I can see a library, a theatre,a resturant and a shop.


For you: (free answers)

1- Do you like to visit the Children's Museum?

  Yes, I do / No,I Don't.

2- If you visit Children's Museum ,what do you like to see  a library, a theatre,a resturant or a shop?

  any answer