اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني

المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي


Unit 6

Lesson 3  



1 Look at the photographs. What do they represent? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

Students' own answers

2 Read the text and check your answers to exercise 1.


The first photograph is Wadi al-Mujib Dam in Jordan and it shows how water is used and stored in Jordan. The second and third photographs represent the problem of water shortage in Jordan due to the misuse of household water.



Water resources in Jordan

Water is essential for life. Our wellbeing, sanitation, agriculture and industry all count upon a supply of water. Beyond these uses, water brings countless other benefits to society. We use it to swim in, sail on and take pleasure in the numerous plants and animals that depend on it. In addition, our health and environment are reliant on an effective wastewater infrastructure. Jordan’s scarcity of water is a long-term challenge for environmentalists. Water resources in Jordan have remained quite stable over the years, but Jordan has become a densely populated country. Current use of water already exceeds renewable supply.

Consequently, the Jordanian government have released the following notice to commence raising awareness of this matter.

1. Jordanians must recognise that the available water supply is finite, and they must take responsibility for this issue within their own households.

2. Accountability must be assumed for water management in Jordan. This responsibility should be recognised by individual citizens, the public sector and the private sector alike. The situation necessitates the combined effort of the Jordanian people to improve conditions within their own environs.

3. A deeper understanding of the available amounts, actual quality and natural protection of Jordan’s water resources must be reached. This knowledge will be circulated in schools and throughout the community.

4. Water must be used more efficiently, with more regard for energy needed to heat water for daily usage.

5. Healthy aquatic ecosystems are vital to a high quality of life for Jordanians and must be preserved.

6. The quality and standards of drinking water will be consistently maintained to ensure that Jordanians have potable water that is free from pollutants.



1. Comprehension

3 Read the text again and answer the questions in your notebook.

1 Out of all the uses of water mentioned in the first paragraph, which do you consider the most important? Why?

2 What does ‘this matter’ in line 17 refer to?

3 Rephrase point 1 of the government notice in your own words.

4 In point 2 of the notice, what idea is being expressed here? Write one sentence.

5 An educational programme is proposed in point 3. What is its purpose? Explain in your own words. Reading 2 Read the text and check your answers to exercise 1.

6 In point 4, what does the word ‘regard’ imply?

7 Why do you think point 5 is considered an important issue to the government?

8 What does point 6 say will be done to make sure that drinking water is safe?


1 Suggested answer: I think that the use of water in sanitation is the most important because advances in sanitation have helped us to become healthier and control disease. It is necessary to continue living at the current level of sanitation.

2 ‘This matter’ refers to the problem of water shortage, and how to use water responsibly discussed in the fi rst two paragraphs.

3 Suggested answer: In Jordan, it is necessary that people know that water supply is limited and begin to think about how to reduce their usage of water in their own houses, and on an individual level.

4 Suggested answer: Point 2 is talking about working together to help to solve the problem. The key to working together successfully is accepting one’s own responsibility, whether it is at home or at work as part of a company.

5 The educational programme intends to make school children more aware of the problems and solutions of water shortages, starting this education from an early age.

6 ‘Regard’ means ‘care’ here.

7 Suggested answer: This could be concerning tourism, or in terms of fish. The environment is important for the government to maintain because it is a part of the Jordanian heritage.

8 Point 6 says that the quality of Jordan’s water will be checked regularly to make sure that drinking water is safe.




4 Read the text again. Match the words or phrases below with an underlined phrase from the text that has a similar meaning.

1 need (v.) (lines 1–14) ______

2 as a result (lines 15–22) ______

3 responsibility (lines 19–29) ______

4 partnership (lines 22–30) ______

5 in-depth comprehension (lines 25–35) ______

6 health (lines 1–10) ______

7 numerous different advantages (lines 1–10) ______

8 uncontaminated (lines 35–43) ______

9 routinely monitored (lines 35–43) ______

10 greater concern for (lines 25–35) ______

11 will run out (lines 15–26) ______


1 are reliant on

2 consequently

3 accountability

4 combined effort

5 deep understanding

6 wellbeing

7 countless other benefi ts

8 free from pollutants

9 consistently maintained

10 more regard for 11 is finite


5 Using the appropriate phrase or word you found in exercise 4 to complete this text.

Humans and animals (1) ______ water to survive. (2) ______, living in a country where water is scarce requires a (3) ______ of the relationship between mankind and nature. Whether we are part of a large business or a small family, we must build a community feeling of (4) ______ for our water supply, and use it with (5) ______ the world around us. The government provides us with drinking water that is (6) ______, and the least we can do is to make a (7) ______ to reduce our usage on a day-to-day basis. Yarmouk River is one of the major sources of water supplies in Jordan. The government is working very hard to preserve this water resource.



1 are reliant on

2 Consequently

3 deep understanding

4 accountability

5 more regard for

6 consistently maintained / free from pollutants

7 combined effort



Unit 6

Lesson 4

SB page 53  



6 Now write a summary (50 words) of these two texts in your notebooks. Use at least six of the phrases in exercise 4.

Students start this activity by getting to close their books and tell a whole sentence about either of the texts they have just read.

There are several key points that can be included, including that it is both an individual and collective responsibility to save water; water needs to be saved for several reasons; these reasons are ecological, health-related and financial; an education programme will be started in schools to show children how to save water; the government works to provide people with enough water; people should respond by reducing their usage as much as they can.

Students’ own answers



7 Read the following sentences aloud to your partner. In what situation would you say them?

complaint    advice    regret    warning    apology    instructions    threat    blame


1 I would only have a small bath if I were you. It’s better for the environment.

2 Go straight on until you reach the large tree. The nature reserve is right in front of you.

3 I’m going to tell your mum if you waste any more water!

4 If you don’t revise well for your exams, you’ll regret it!

5 I wish I had drunk enough water yesterday. I feel terrible this morning.

6 There’s no hot water left. You shouldn’t have had such a long shower.

7 Excuse me, but this soup is cold.

8 I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to break the plate.


1 advice

2 instructions

3 warning

4 threat

5 regret

6 blame

7 complaint

8 apology


8 Listen to some people making the statements. Did they say them in the same way as you?



9 Listen again. Repeat the sentences during the pauses in the recording. Practise saying them again with a partner.

Students’ own answers


Research box  

How does the United Kingdom conserve water?



The United Kingdom issues ‘hosepipe bans’, which mean you cannot use water to do ‘unnecessary’ jobs like cleaning the car or watering the garden during summer. Some areas in the UK also provide every household with water meters, and incentives like vouchers if a household’s water consumption is low.



Unit 6

Lessons 5 and 6

SB page 54-55  



1 Do you know any organisations in Jordan that deal with natural resources? What kind of jobs do you think they do?

Students’ own answers


Listening strategies

Summarising specific information

• Underline key words in the question.

• While listening, focus on information directly related to the question.

• Write brief notes to make the summary with your partner.



2 Listen to an article about the Natural Resources Authority in Jordan. Close your books. What can you remember about the things this organisation does?



The Jordan Natural Resources Authority was established in 1965 CE, with the aim of managing the research, use and effective waste disposal of Jordan’s natural resources. This organisation has set up several enterprises to ensure that energy resource management remains in harmony with geology in Jordan.

There are several places in Jordan that are much valued for fossils, history or even spectacular scenery. Geological preservation means protecting these sites from being destroyed for mining, housing, industrial development or road construction. Geological tourism activities focus on protecting these unique landscapes as a tourist attraction. Protecting important features of Jordan can help improve people’s appreciation of Jordan’s geological spectacles. The NRA have set up centres and organised routes for hiking, road-side exhibits and tourist information services.

The NRA geological museum was opened in 1989 CE. It is an applied geology museum that provides visitors with information about earth sciences from a Jordanian point of view. The museum visitors are mainly students of different ages from private and public schools and universities who visit the museum regularly, as well as foreign and Jordanian tourists.

The museum demonstrates the principal activities and achievements of the NRA. It exhibits rocks, minerals and fossils, maps, figures, photographs and models. The main goal is to demonstrate the main activities and achievements of the NRA in different fields.

At the Natural Resources Authority there is an experienced team of scientists and up-to-date equipment, which allow new analysis to be carried out. As a result, it has created opportunities for new graduates to get further training in Geological Science and Engineering. The training lasts a year, and the trainees are placed in varied paid internships. The trainees are nominated by their own universities and chosen by the NRA to participate in this highly respected programme.

Suggested answer

It manages everything to do with natural resources in Jordan including research and use of natural resources. It has set up schemes to help promote the correct usage of Jordan’s resources.



3 Listen to the article again and answer the questions.

1 In your own words, describe the general goals of the NRA.

2 What are the three enterprises? List two activities that each enterprise includes.

3 Which enterprise do you consider the most important? Give reasons.

4 Do you think the NRA could do more to involve school-age students? What could it do?

5 Would you like to take part in the training that the NRA offers? Why / Why not?


1 The NRA aim to help Jordanians become more aware of their natural resources and to look after the natural resources that are so important in Jordan.

2 i) tourism, which includes hiking routes and protection of geological sites

ii) the museum, which includes educational initiatives and permanent exhibitions

iii) training or internships, which includes new analysis and opportunities for young people

3 Suggested answer: I think that the research is most important because it allows development to take place in the future.

4 Suggested answer: I think it could arrange days and shows in schools to spread awareness. After all, school-age children need to know about the future of their country.

5 Students’ own answers





Vocabulary: Natural resources

4 Sort the items in the box into the two categories in the table below.


generators    solar energy    glass    fresh    water    wildlife wind    turbines    wind    solar cells    coal    natural    gas petroleum    paper    forests


Natural resources






Natural resources


solar energy, fresh water, wildlife, wind, coal, natural gas, petroleum, forests

generators, glass, wind turbines, solar cells, paper


Example sentence: Products are different from natural resources because they are often made from natural resources, or they are used to produce energy with natural resources.

Now write a sentence or two to explain how natural resources and products differ.




5 Work in groups. Imagine you have established an organisation for preserving Jordan’s natural resources. Prepare a presentation to introduce the different projects or activities of this organisation to the class.

Students’ own answers


6 Answer the questions about the graph below. Use verbs like rise, grow, fall and drop for questions 1, 2 and 5.

1 How did the consumption of gasoline change from 2008 CE until 2012 CE?

2 What happened to the consumption of kerosene from 2009 CE until 2012 CE?

3 How many tonnes of kerosene, diesel and gasoline were consumed altogether in the year 2011 CE?

4 In which years was the consumption of diesel above 2,000,000 tonnes?

5 What differences do you notice about the consumption of each of gasoline, kerosene and diesel in 2008 CE and in 2010 CE?

Development of oil products consumption during the period (2008 CE–2012 CE)



1 The consumption of gasoline rose steadily between 2008 CE and 2012 CE.

2 Between 2009 CE and 2012 CE, the consumption of kerosene fi rst fell slightly and then rose gradually.

3 In 2011 CE, a total of 3,205,000 tonnes of gasoline, kerosene and diesel were consumed.

4 The consumption of diesel was above 2,000,000 tonnes in 2011 CE and 2012 CE.

5 Suggested answer: In 2008 CE, the consumption of gasoline and diesel was fairly high, with more diesel being consumed than gasoline, and the consumption of kerosene was quite low, at 100,000 tonnes. However, by 2010 CE, the consumption of kerosene had fallen still further, to just 69,000 tonnes, whereas the consumption of both diesel and gasoline rose.




7 Write a three-paragraph essay about the organisation you presented in exercise 5. Make sure you use linking words to make your paragraphs coherent.

Students’ own answers




Read the quotation. Do you agree with it? Why / Why not? Translate the quotation into Arabic.

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.

Mahatma Gandhi (1869 CE–1948 CE)

الأرض تعطي ما يكفي لإشباع حاجة كل إنسان ولكن ليس جشع كل إنسان.


Unit 6

Activity Book pages 36-37-38

Natural resources in Jordan




5 Look at the words in the table. Complete the table with a noun, adjective or adverb. 























Page 36, exercise 5













reliant / reliable

reliability / reliance






pollutant/ pollution




6 Choose the best word or phrase to complete these sentences.

1 Earth has a finite / finished supply of fossil fuels, so we need to find alternative energy resources.

2 Your wellbeing / wellgoing is important, so you should look after yourself.

3 The electric circuits in the school are consistently maintained / routine maintenanced.

4 People must assume responsible / accountability for their actions.

5 People are taking too many fish from the oceans and consequently / resulting there are not many left.

6 People are needing / reliant on fresh water.

Page 36, exercise 6

1 finite

2 wellbeing

3 consistently maintained

4 accountability

5 consequently

6 reliant




7 Read the article and answer the following questions.

The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) is a non-profit organisation that works for the conservation of the communities, lands and wildlife of Africa. It has many offices throughout Africa, and its projects aim at ensuring an ever-lasting future for the African people. The organisation has been training hundreds of Africans in conservation and has been working closely with law officials to increase penalties on hunters, especially those who hunt endangered animals.

AWF earns millions of dollars through funding, thanks to donors who appreciate the organisation’s selfless mission and contribution to the preservation of Earth’s natural resources.


1 How do you think AWF trains the African people in conservation?

2 How does AWF contribute to the preservation of Earth’s natural resources?

3 In what way do you think you can help AWF in its mission?

Page 36, exercise 7

1 Students’ own answers

2 The organisation works for the conservation of the communities, lands and wildlife of Africa. It trains people in conservation and works to increase penalties on hunters.

3 Suggested answer: We can help AWF in its mission by raising money at school and donating it to the foundation, or preparing a big poster about the foundation and putting it up on the school notice board so that all the students know about AWF and support it.



8 What kind of wildlife in Jordan do you think needs to be preserved? How can this be done? Write around 50 words.

Page 36, exercise 8

Students’ own answers




9 Read this description of a line graph. What does the graph show?

In January 2012 CE, oil in Jordan was selling at $66 per barrel. Then it rose to $72 in February. Between February and May, the price rose from $72 to $105. Between May and June, the price remained the same. Then in July, there was a drop in price by $17. In August, the price rose to $90. It rose again in September to reach $99 in October. From October to November, there was a slight drop in price by $4. It fell again by $5 between November and December.

Page 37, exercise 9

The graph shows the pattern of the prices of oil in Jordan through the year 2012 CE.


10 Answer the following questions about the description by calculating the exact prices and amounts of oil. Use full sentences.

1 By how much per barrel did the price of oil rise between February and May?

2 What was the price of oil in Jordan in July?

3 What was the price of oil in October?

4 What was the price of oil in November?

5 What was the price of oil in December?

6 By how much did the price of oil rise between January 2012 CE and December 2012 CE?

Page 37, exercise 10

1 The price of oil rose by $33 per barrel between February and May. (105 - 72 = 33)

2 The price of oil in Jordan in July was $88 per barrel. (105 - 17 = 88)

3 The price of oil in October was $99 per barrel.

4 The price of oil in November was $95 per barrel. (99 - 4 = 95)

5 The price of oil in December was $90 per barrel. (95 - 5 = 90)

6 The price of oil rose by $24 per barrel between January 2012 CE and December 2012 CE. (90 - 66 = 24)


11 Some of the exact figures in the graph have been missed out. Complete it as needed, by reading the description in exercise 9 again. Then join the points on the graph to create a line graph. Read the description again. Does it match your graph?

Page 37, exercise 11




12 What is the general trend of the graph for the year 2012 CE? Justify your answer in one or two sentences.

Page 37, exercise 12

The general trend is rising because in most of the months the price of oil increases.


Writing: A magazine subscription form

13 Complete a form for subscribing to a magazine that deals with worldwide problems facing natural resources. 1 What kind of personal information would you provide in a subscription form? 2 What might be the reasons for you to subscribe to such a magazine? Write notes. 14 Now complete the subscription form.

14 Now complete the subscription form.


15 Exchange books with your partner to show them your subscription form. Did your partner complete the form correctly?


Page 38, exercises 13–15

Students’ own answers







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