اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي


Unit 4

Lessons 3, 4, 5 and 6

Student’s Book pages 36, 37, 38, 39


SB 36

Listening strategies

Listening for particular information

• Read through the text before you listen.

• Predict what words are needed for the gaps.

• Listen and check your answers.



1 Do you do any of the sports in the photographs? Discuss with a partner.

Students’ own answers


2 Listen to a radio programme about three sports. What aspect of sport does it talk about?



During the 15th century, a similar game to golf was played in Scotland. Back then, instead of using strong and durable clubs and balls, people used to hit pebbles using wooden sticks. Later on, after getting tired of hitting pebbles, players started trying other things until the golf ball, as we know it today, was invented. Golf courses are now found in many Middle Eastern countries, such as Jordan, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.


Fencing began as a way of practising for duels in the Middle Ages, when knights used to prepare themselves by fighting, in pairs, with swords that were not very sharp. It was made into a spectator sport in Spain and Italy, and fencing tournaments have been extremely popular events since then. Until the 1930s, scoring was extremely difficult, with a whole group of judges watching to see if one fencer had ‘hit’ the other. However, the judges were replaced by an electrical scoring apparatus, with an audible tone and a red or green light indicating when a touch landed.


People have been playing sports with a shuttlecock and racquets for thousands of years. They were mentioned in written documents about Ancient Greece around 2,000 years ago. Children played versions of the game in the Far East, and in India in the 1860s. In 1873 CE, the sport made its way back to England. It was played by guests at a house party. The name of the house was Badminton House. The sport has been growing in popularity and has become the fastest racquet sport: a shuttlecock can travel up to 320 kilometres per hour.


the history of golf, fencing and badminton


3 Listen again and complete the texts.


During the 15th century, a similar game to golf was played in Scotland. Back then, instead of using strong and durable (1) _____, people used to hit (2) _____ using wooden sticks. Later on, after getting tired of hitting pebbles, players started trying other things until the (3) _____, as we know it today, was invented. (4) _____ are now found in many Middle Eastern countries, such as Jordan, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.


Fencing began as a way of practising for duels in the Middle Ages, when (5) _____ used to prepare themselves by fighting, in pairs, with swords that were not very sharp. It was made into a spectator sport in Spain and Italy, and fencing (6) _____ have been extremely popular events since then. Until the (7) _____, scoring was extremely difficult, with a whole group of judges watching to see if one fencer had ‘hit’ the other. However, the judges were replaced by an electrical scoring (8) _____, with an audible tone and a red or green light indicating when a touch landed.


People have been playing sports with a shuttlecock and (9)................. for thousands of years. They were mentioned in written documents about Ancient Greece around 2,000 years ago. Children played versions of the game in the Far East, and in India in the (10)................. . In 1873 CE, the sport made its way back to England. It was played by guests at a house party. The name of the house was (11)................ House. The sport has been growing in popularity and has become the fastest racquet sport: a (12)..................... can travel up to 320 kilometres per hour.


1 clubs and balls

2 pebbles

3 golf ball

4 Golf courses

 5 knights

6 tournaments

7 1930s

8 apparatus

9 racquets

10 1860s

11 Badminton

12 shuttlecock




4 Listen to the information about the origins of the three sports again and answer the questions.

1 How did the game of golf use to be played in the past?

2 How was fencing scored before the 1930s?

3 How did the game of badminton begin in England?

4 Which of the three sports do you think is most interesting to watch or play? Explain.


1 People used to hit pebbles with wooden sticks.

2 Before the 1930s, a whole group of judges used to watch to see if one fencer had ‘hit’ the other.

 3 Badminton began in England in 1873 CE when guests at a party at Badminton House started to play it.

 4 Students’ own answers



5 Listen to this interview with a professional golfer. What do you notice about the intonation of the questions? Are they all the same?


J: Good afternoon. Now, I know you haven’t got a lot of time, so I’ll get straight to the point. You’ve been doing very well this season, haven’t you?

G: Yes, I have, as a matter of fact. I’ve won several competitions this season. I’ve been spending as much time as I can at the golf course.

J: Ah, well that explains it! You didn’t have so much luck last year, did you?

G: No, I didn’t. I had a good reason, though. My wife was ill, and I was quite worried and stressed. She’s better now, though, so I’m thankful.

J: That’s great news. Now, a crucial question for our listeners. You haven’t got any tips for aspiring golfers out there, have you?

G: Yes, of course I have! My most important tip is to choose the golf clubs that are right for your level, making it easier for you to practise and improve.


No, they are not all the same: the journalist’s final question has different intonation from the other two. The first two questions have a rising, then falling intonation on the question tag, whereas the final one rises on the final word, and doesn’t fall again.


6 Look at the questions written below. Listen to them again. Match questions 1–3 with their purpose a or b. Two questions have the same purpose.

1 You’ve been doing very well this season, haven’t you?

2 You didn’t have so much luck last year, did you?

 3 You haven’t got any tips for aspiring golfers out there, have you?

 a to check information we already know

b to ask for information we don’t know



1 You’ve been doing very well this season, haven’t you?

 2 You didn’t have so much luck last year, did you?

 3 You haven’t got any tips for aspiring golfers out there, have you?

Answers a 1 and 2 b 3



7 Write two tag questions using the two types of intonation a and b. Work with your partner to check each other’s intonation.


Students’ own answers


Research box

What is the Dunwich Dynamo?


 It is a bicycle race in the south of England, which takes place overnight, beginning in East London. It is called the ‘Dynamo’ because the race happens at night, and the cyclists must thus use lights, a certain brand of which are called ‘dynamos’.



8 How popular is cycling in Jordan? Discuss with your partner. Then read the text to find out about this sport.


Students’ own answers


Cycling: past, present and future

Amman at 7:30 am on a day in spring, 2014 CE: People are on their way to work. Some are driving; some are walking and some are cycling along a cycle route.

Ten years ago, cycling in Jordan was almost unheard of. Nowadays, cyclists are everywhere; cycling is fast becoming both a popular hobby and a useful mode of transport. Organisations such as Cycling Jordan have been set up to promote the ecological and health benefits of the sport. These have been a great success, with bicycle-hire businesses starting up, and cycling tours of the country becoming more and more common.

The cycling movement has grown to include school children, teenagers, families and aspiring athletes. Cycling is one of the most flexible forms of transport, for a long-distance journey through the mountains or a quick trip to the shops!

Despite this, there is still work to be done if more people are to take up cycling. The roads are still not safe enough, and knowledge about how to cycle safely is not yet widespread.

Share the Road, a branch of Cycling Jordan, is working to spread awareness of how to cycle safely, both in the city and on long-distance bike rides. It offers advice to motorists on how to drive with cyclists on the road, and advice to cyclists – of which the most important must be ‘Wear a helmet at all times’. Hopefully, as awareness of how to cycle safely spreads, more and more people will join the cycling revolution! 

1 What do the underlined words refer to?

2 What is the main difference, according to the article, between a street in Amman in 2004 CE and the same street in 2014 CE?

3 Why do you think the writer of the article calls cycling a ‘useful’ mode of transport?

4 What are the two main problems that remain for road cyclists in Jordan? What is being done to resolve them?

5 Do you think that Share the Road is doing enough to increase awareness of the sport? Why / Why not?

6 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a city where private transport, such as cars and private taxis, is banned. Would you cycle or take public transport? Why?



9 Read the text again and answer the questions.


1 some (line 2): people; These (line 6): organisations; It (line 15): Share the Road

2 Ten years ago, there were no cyclists on the roads.

3 Students’ own answers

4 The two problems are unsafe roads and lack of knowledge about cycling safety. An initiative called Share the Road is working to give motorists and cyclists as much advice as possible about using the road.

5 Suggested answer: Perhaps Share the Road could do more, such as working with town officials to create pro-cycling laws.

6 Suggested answer: The advantages are that pollution would be much less as would traffic problems. Disadvantages might include being less independent. I would like to cycle when it’s not too hot, and take public transport for the rest of the time.


After reading

What is the most flexible forms of transport? Why?

Cycling is one of the most flexible forms of transport, for a long-distance journey through the mountains or a quick trip to the shops!



Read the quotation. Do you agree with it? Why / Why not? Translate the quotation into Arabic.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

Albert Einstein (1879 CE–1955 CE)

الثقافة هي مايبقى بعد أن تنسى كل ما تعلمته في المدرسة


Vocabulary: Sports equipment

1 Look at the photographs. Name the sports equipment that you can see. Choose words from the box.

oars             racquet           ice skates          helmet           shuttlecock            goggles             stick            bat


a helmet

b stick

c goggles

d ice skates

e racquet

f bat

g shuttlecock

h oars


2 Work in pairs. Say a rule or the name of the sport associated with the equipment. Can your partner guess which equipment you are describing?

A: You use this in table tennis. You hit the ball with it.

B: It’s a bat – picture f.


Students’ own answers


3 Work in pairs. Write the rules for three sports. Read the rules to the class. Can anyone guess the sport you are describing?

A: You have to hit the ball over the net. You can’t throw the ball, kick it or catch it in your hands.

B: Is it tennis? A: Yes, it is!


Students’ own answers




4 Listen to a talk by a sports coach. What is the sports coach talking about? Choose the correct topic.

a the benefits of playing sports

b why some sports can be dangerous

c the origins of different types of sport


Good morning, everyone. My name is Fareed, and I’m a sports coach at this gym. As you are all new members, you need to know that we have an excellent swimming pool, which you can use as often as you wish. Swimming is one of the best ways to keep fi t. It builds up strength and improves stamina, too.

We have tennis courts, where you can use up a lot of energy! There’s also plenty of gymnastics equipment in the hall for members who want to increase their strength and flexibility.

If you prefer running, we can organise a programme for you. Running is a good way to keep fi t, and anyone can do it! It’s excellent for your legs, heart and lungs.

Outside, we have football pitches and equipment for our members to use. Football helps to improve agility and builds up muscle strength, too.

New members usually follow a programme that is based on aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise uses all of the body, all of the time. Your heart is strengthened by aerobic exercise, and your circulation improves, too.

Answer a


5 Listen again and put the four photographs in the order that the sports coach follows in his talk from 1 to 4.

SB 39


1 d

2 b

3 a

4 c


6 Try to complete the sentences. Then listen again and check your answers.

1 Swimming builds up strength and improves stamina, too.

2 You can use up a lot of energy when you play .

3 increases strength and flexibility.

4 is excellent for your legs, heart and lungs.

5 The good thing about is that it helps improve agility.

6 exercise uses all of the body, all of the time.


1 Swimming

2 tennis

3 Gymnastics

4 Running

5 football

6 Aerobic




7 Choose a sport you have played. Tell your partner about it and about its benefits to your health.

Suggested answer

Caving, mountaineering and deep sea diving build up strength and improve stamina. They are aerobic exercises, so they strengthen the heart and improve circulation. Caving and mountaineering are particularly good for your arm and leg muscles.


Writing strategies

Writing a three-paragraph essay

• Write a plan for three paragraphs: introduction, body and conclusion.

• In the first paragraph, introduce the topic and include a thesis statement.

• In the developing paragraph explain the three factors.

• In the third paragraph summarise the main points.



8 Write a paragraph about the sport you chose in exercise 7, answering these questions:

1 How long have you been doing this sport?

2 How often do you do this sport, and where?

3 Why do you enjoy it?


Students’ own answers


9 What benefits are there in taking part in sports? Write an essay of three paragraphs giving your views. Consider physical, emotional and social factors.


Students’ own answers


Unit 4

Lessons 3, 4, 5 and 6


Activity Book pages 25, 26 and 27



5 Answer the following questions.

1 What is a wicker basket? What do you think it could be used for?

2 Label the following picture using the words from the box. One word is not needed.


net     backboard    basketball    metal     hoop     wicker    basket

AB 25



6 Read the following text about basketball. Match the paragraphs 1–3 with the headings a–c.

a Officially in Jordan

b Basketball back then

c Basketball at the Olympics


1 Basketball nowadays has become one of the world’s most popular sports. In fact, it was invented in 1891 CE in Springfi eld, Massachusetts, USA, by the Canadian teacher Dr James Naismith. He wanted to create a sport that his students could play indoors during the cold months of winter. The first basketball game consisted of two teams of nine players each. They had to pass a football from one end of the room to the other and throw it into the wicker basket that was attached to the wall at either end. Every time the ball was thrown into the basket and a point was scored, a player had to climb a ladder to get the ball back. It wasn't until the year 1906 CE that metal hoops, nets and backboards were introduced, and basketball became the sport as we know it today.

2 Basketball spread to many countries around the world after it became an official Olympic event at the Berlin Games in 1936 CE. Basketball in Jordan dates back to the year 1937 CE. The Kingdom took part in the Olympic Games for the first time in 1980 CE, and since then it has been sending athletes each year to compete in the Summer Olympic Games.

3 The Jordan National Basketball Team is the official basketball team in Jordan. Major efforts are being made to improve basketball in Jordan, especially now that the national team has been participating in many Arab and Middle East basketball competitions.


7 Answer the following questions.

1 What was the reason for the invention of the first version of basketball?

2 What happened after basketball became an Olympic sport in 1936 CE?

3 What improvements in basketball in Jordan are being made at the moment?

4 Do you play basketball? Do you enjoy playing or watching the game? Why / Why not?



8 Match the words to make sports equipment. Then write sentences of your own using the five items.

hockey     tennis       cycling      swimming       ice


stick      helmet     goggles     skates     racquet

1 hockey stick:

2 …………………

3 ………………….

4 ………………….

5 …………………..




9 Read the following magazine article written by a diving trainer. Then, complete it with the words from the box. One word is not needed.

trip        current        trainer       dive        compass         athlete       tips        rocks

AB 26

Hello, I’m Ameen. I’ve been a scuba diving (1)…………….. at Aqaba Diving for six years. It’s the best place in the world for diving! It’s true that scuba diving is an incredibly enjoyable experience, which reduces stress and transports the diver into a beautiful and peaceful world. However, scuba diving is not as easy as it sounds. That’s why I’d like to provide you with some quick (2)…………….. about safe scuba diving:

• Before your dive, ask your trainer for as much advice as possible. This will guarantee that you will enjoy your diving (3)………………. .

• Once underwater, look around you. Are there any unique (4)………….. ? Are there any plants? This will be a reference point to help you find your way back.

• Before you start your dive, notice the (5)……………… . The best way is to start diving against the current so that it helps you get back easily.

• A (6)…………….. would be a good idea to have. It will guide you through your trip and ensure you find your way back to the spot where you started.

Pay us a visit at Aqaba Diving and I guarantee you will have a wonderful time underwater!


10 Make questions about the magazine article in exercise 9 and then answer them.

1 How long / Ameen / trainer?

2 Why / scuba diving / enjoyable experience?

3 Who / provide / tips / safe scuba diving?

4 What / dive compass / used for?


Writing: A biography of a sports personality

11 Write the biography of a famous sportsman or sportswoman.

1 Choose a sports personality you admire. What sport do they do? What nationality are they?

2 What age did they start doing their sport? Why did they take up the sport? What medals and / or championships have they won?

3 Where and how often do they train? What are the difficulties that they face and how do they overcome them?


12 Now write the sportsperson's biography.

13 Read the biography to the class. Decide with the class who is the greatest sportsperson and why.


Page 25, exercise 5

1 A wicker basket is a basket made of twisted tree branches. Students’ own answers

2 1 basketball        2 backboard        3 metal hoop        4 net


Page 25, exercise 6

a 3       b 1      c 2


Page 25, exercise 7

1 Dr James Naismith wanted to create a sport that his students could play indoors in winter.

2 It spread to many countries around the world.

3 The national team has been participating in many Arab and Middle East basketball competitions.

4 Students’ own answers


Page 26, exercise 8

1 hockey stick

2 tennis racquet

3 cycling helmet

4 swimming goggles

5 ice skates

Students’ own sentences


Page 26, exercise 9

1 trainer

2 tips

3 trip

4 rocks

5 current

6 dive compass


Page 26, exercise 10

1 How long has Ameen been a trainer? Ameen has been a trainer for six years.

2 Why is scuba diving an enjoyable experience? Scuba diving is an enjoyable experience because it reduces stress and transports the diver into a beautiful and peaceful world.

3 Who will provide tips about safe scuba diving? Ameen will provide tips about safe scuba diving.

4 What is a dive compass used for? A dive compass is used to guide you through your trip and ensure you find your way back to the spot where you started.


Page 27, exercises 11–13 Students’ own answers

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