اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول



1. In groups, look at the quotes below. Do you agree or disagree with them? Say why.

في المجموعات، انظر إلى الاقتباسات أدناه. هل تتفق معهم أم تختلف معهم؟ قل لماذا

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. Elbert Hubbard (American writer)

الصديق هو شخص يعرف كل شيء عنك و لا يزال يحبك إلبرت هوبارد (كاتب أمريكي)

The only way to have a friend is to be one. Ralph Waldo Emerson (American poet)

الطريقة الوحيدة للحصول على صديق هي أن تكون صديقاً رالف والدو إيمرسون (شاعر أمريكي)

2. Read the article quickly. What does the author do?

إقرأ المقال بسرعة. ماذا يفعل المؤلف؟
a. he tells a story about two women in a café. يروي قصة امرأتين في مقهى.

b She describes her friends.  وهي تصف أصدقائها

c. She tries to define what a friend is. إنها تحاول أن تعرف ما هو الصديق

d. She gives advice on how to make friends. انها تعطي النصائح حول كيفية تكوين صداقات

3.Read the article again and match headings A–G with paragraphs 1–6. There is one extra heading.
اقرأ المادة مرة أخرى وطابق العناوين من A–G  مع الفقرات من 1 إلى 6. هناك عنوان واحد إضافي.
A. A helping hand 
B. Closer than close 
C. Similar to ourselves 
D. How to keep it going 
E. An example of friendship 
F. Let’s get started! 
G. When is a friend not a friend?

4.Read the article again. Complete the sentences below using 1-3 words. Use information from the article.
اقرأ المقالة مجددا. أكمل الجمل ادناه باستخدام ١ -٣ كلمات. استعملوا المعلومات الواردة في المقالة.

1. Psychologists believe that people who wear glasses often stay close together.
2. If someone you meet wants to be friends, you often want to be open with them. 
3. According to the text, it’s not easy to find good friends
4. Online contacts may not actually be real.
5. It’s important to keep in touch if you want to stay friends with someone who lives abroad.

5. Look at these statements from the text. In pairs, say if you agree or disagree with them. Say why.
انظر إلى هذه البيانات من النص. في ازواج، قل إذا كنت توافق أو لا توافق معهم. قولوا لماذا
 1. Opposites attract.  تتجاذب الأضداد
2. Good friends are fun to be with, but they are hard to find. 
. من الممتع أن تكون برفقة أصدقاء جيدين، لكن من الصعب إيجادهم
3. True friendships last for a lifetime. الصداقات الحقيقية تدوم مدى الحياة   
4. Best friends know what you’re thinking and how you feel
الأصدقاء المقربون يعرفون بماذا تفكر وكيف تشعر
student own answer

6. Complete the statements with the verbs from the box

أكمل العبارات بالأفعال من المربع

be   get    keep    let   make   rely   share   spend    turn

1 I find it easy to make friends with people.
2 I get on well with everyone.
3 I spend more time with my friends than with my family.
4 I don’t usually keep in touch with my classmates during the holidays.
5 I never turn my back on anyone when they need help.
6 You can’t help everyone but I never let my friends down.
7 I think it’s easier to be open with friends than family.
8 My best friend and I share our feelings.
9 I don’t think I can rely on all my friends.

7. Do the quiz. Then in groups, compare your results.

قم بالإختبار ثم في مجموعات، قارنوا نتائجكم

HOW SIMILAR ARE YOU AND YOUR FRIEND?   ما مدى تشابهك مع صديقك؟

• Think of a close friend and answer the questions.

 • Count up how many questions you answer ‘yes’ to.

 • Go to page 87 to find out how similar you are to your friend.

.فكِّروا في صديق مقربوأجب عن الاسئلة 

احسب عدد الأسئلة التي أجبت عليها بـ "نعم".

انتقل إلى الصفحة 87 لتعرف مدى تشابهك مع صديقك.

1.Do you go to the same school?

           هل ترتاد نفس المدرسة؟

2. Are you the same nationality?

           هل أنتم نفس الجنسية؟

3. Are you the same age? (plus or minus 12 months)

هل أنت بنفس عمرك؟ (زائد أو ناقص 12 شهراً)

4. Are you the same height? (plus or minus five centimeters)

هل أنت بنفس الطول؟ (زائد أو ناقص خمسة سنتيمترات)

 5. Do you weigh the same? (plus or minus five kilos)

هل وزنك هو نفسه؟ (زائد أو ناقص خمسة كيلوغرامات)

6. Is your hair more or less the same colour?

هل لون شعرك هو نفسه أم لا؟

 7. Are your eyes more or less the same colour?

هل عيناك متشابهتان أكثر أو أقل؟

 8. Do you both wear (or both not wear) glasses? 

هل ترتديان (أو كلاكما لا ترتديان) نظارات؟

9. Do you live near each other? (about ten minutes on foot) 

أتعيشان بالقرب من بعضكما؟ (حوالي عشر دقائق مشياً على الأقدام)

10. Do you like the same things?

هل تحب نفس الأشياء؟

11. Do you listen to the same kind of music?

هل تستمع إلى نفس النوع من الموسيقى؟

12. Do you wear the same kind of clothes?

هل تلبس نفس النوع من الملابس؟

student own answer 

Workbook page 5 

Is there a perfect family size?

1 Issa is a twenty-two-year-old student. He’s celebrating his birthday today with his mum, Hala, his dad, Farid, his older sister Rana, his nephew and niece, Raed and Rola, and his two younger sisters, Heba and Sana. His family love spending time together.

2  F  Asma is an only child. She’s with her mum and dad, Malak and Khalil, having a cup of tea on holiday. They get on very well with each other, but can find it hard to be open with each other.

B   Life at home is very different for Issa and Asma. Issa’s house is always a bit chaotic, but full of joyful laughter. Rana’s children often come to visit as they live very close to their grandparents.

C   Issa and Asma are engaged to be married. Their wedding is in four months. But what kind of family would they like to have – a big family like Issa’s or a small family like Asma’s?

D   Issa and Asma’s homes are very different, but they often visit each other. Issa enjoys the quiet atmosphere at Asma’s house and she likes the fact that, at Issa’s house, you never know what might happen next. ‘It’s funny,’ says Asma, ‘We sometimes talk about our future family. Issa thinks a small family like mine is a great idea, but I sometimes look at his family and think that I’d like to have lots of children one day.’

A   ‘There is a problem with that plan though,’ says Asma. ‘I read that to raise a child from birth to the age of twenty-one in the UK, you need about £230,000!’ she says. ‘So maybe a big family isn’t such a good idea. It might be more sensible to stick to having just one or two children.’ However, Issa is quick to add, ‘you say that, but in a big family like mine, children often share clothes and toys, so the financial

side isn’t as difficult as you might think. And having plenty of money isn’t the most important thing about family anyway. Maybe we didn’t go on expensive holidays, but on the other hand, we learnt a lot from each other about sharing and responsibility.’ We were always there for each other and could rely on each other.

7   H   So, is there a perfect family size? The answer depends on so many different things that it really isn’t possible to say. The most important thing is supporting each other, no matter how big or small your family is.

1.  Read the text and match headings A–H with paragraphs 1–7. There is one extra heading.
A Advantages and disadvantages 
B Disorganized but happy 
C Thoughts about the future 
D Enjoying the differences 
E A family of nine 
F No brothers or sisters 
G Taking an interest 
H A difficult question to answer


2. Match the highlighted words and phrases from the text with the definitions. 

1- not having any brothers or sisters only child 
2- to socialise with spending time 
3- to have a good relationship with get on very well 
4- to tell each other about your emotions share your feeling with 
5- to feel able to tell the truth 6 to depend on rely on




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