مدرسة جواكاديمي

هنا يمكنك تصفح مدرسة جو اكاديمي، المنهاج، اسئلة، شروحات، والكثير أيضاً

ta ask questions to find out infarmation

اللغة الإنجليزية - الصف الخامس

Unit 12 (Why is Kareem excited)

Pupil’s book page 50 ex. 4 (read, match and answer)

  1. This is the national flower of Jordan. It is the beautiful black iris. We can see it in the spring. We don’t usually see this flower in our garden. It grows in the countryside because it likes the soil and the weather in the wild.
  2. This lovely bird is the Sinai rosefinch. It is Jordan’s national bird. The Sinai rosefinch is the same red colour as our famous city, Petra. There are a lot of these birds in Jordan.
  3. The national colours of Jordan are red, black, white and green. The flag of Jordan has these colours and a star with seven points. These colours show the past of the country.
  4. I took this photo from the top of the tower at the Shaumari Nature Reserve. The photo shows Jordan’s national animal, the Arabian oryxes. They are safe now because they live at the nature reserve

Answers ( 1.d      2.b      3. a    4.c )

Pre reading questions:

1-What is Jordan’s national animal? The Arabian oryx

               2-Do plants like soil?  Yes, they do  

              3-What are these


        The Jordan flag                          The Black iris 

Same: identical/ similar             hunt: to catch and kill an animal

    While reading questions:

        1-What is the national flower of Jordan? It is the beautiful black iris

2-Where does it grow? Why? It grows in the countryside because it likes the soil and the  weather in the wild.

3-What is the Jordan’s national bird? The Sinai rosefinch

4-What colour is it?Red

5-What are the colours of our flag? Red, black, white and green. The flag of Jordan has these colours and a star with seven points.

6- What do these colours show? These colours show the past of the country.

       7-Did people hunt the Arabian oryxes? Yes, they did

       8-Are they safe now? Yes, they are because they live at the nature reserve

 Post reading questions:

1-Would you like to go to the Shaumari Reserve? Yes, I would/ No, I wouldn’t

2- Would you like to look after the nature? Yes, I would/ No, I wouldn’t