Reading: Page 41, exercise 1
1 Read the beginning of a newspaper article and answer the questions.
A problem for our wildlife Despite the best efforts of conservation groups and their campaigns, the world’s population of many species, including African elephants, tigers and seals, is still decreasing. It is people’s increasing need for land and resources, along with hunting and fishing, which are responsible for this rapid decline in wildlife. Exotic mammals such as big cats are threatened the most, but even common birds and insects in many parts of the world are in danger of dying out forever. According to a report by the World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London, wildlife populations around the world have been reduced by 52 per cent on average since 1970 CE. |
1 What evidence is there in the text that attempts have been made in the past to stop the decline in the wildlife population?
2 Name three reasons for the disappearance of many animals around the world.
3 Which species is the most endangered? Which of the reasons, in your opinion, apply to this species in particular?
4 ‘More than half the world’s wildlife has disappeared in the last fifty years.’ Is this statement correct? What evidence is there for this claim?
Suggested answers
1 The article tells us that the population of certain species is still decreasing and this is ‘despite the best efforts of conservation groups and their campaigns’. This suggests that the work has been going on for some time.
2 Animals are disappearing around the world because people need the land; they are using resources and they are hunting and fishing.
3 Big cats are the most endangered. In my opinion, this is because they are losing their habitats. People are cutting down forests for the wood and for land to build on, which means the big cats have less land to live on. It means the
animals that they eat are becoming scarcer too.
4 Yes, the statement is correct. The world’s wildlife has been reduced by more than 52 per cent,therefore more than half has disappeared.
Listening: Page 41, exercise 2
2 Listen to the rest of the newspaper article and answer the questions.
Audioscript |
1 Name two examples of how the world is running out of natural resources.
2 Choose the correct meaning of a ‘wake-up call’. alarm clock b. a warning c. a telephone call d. a danger
3 What do the authors of the report hope to achieve? There are two possible answers.
1 Answers should include two of the following examples: forests are being cut down too quickly; there is too much fishing; pollution is out of control
2 b
3 The authors of the report hope to show us that responsibility for one’s own actions is important.
OR They want to show us the importance of protecting our planet in everything we do.
Vocabulary and grammar: Page 42, exercises 3, 4 and 5
3 Choose the most suitable item from the words in the box to complete the sentences.One word is not needed.
sustainability apparatus physician mortality prosthetic |
1 After our Science lesson in the laboratory, we always help the teacher to put the....................... away.
2 The nature reserve uses recycled water, which helps the......................... of the environment.
3 Athletes with....................... legs can take part in the Paralympics.
4 Professor Badari, aged 67, is the hospital’s leading.......................... specialising in cancer care.
1 apparatus 2 sustainability 3 prosthetic 4 physician
4 Choose the correct option in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1 Many instruments that are still used today in were designed by Arab scholars. (operational / operate / operations)
2 When do you to receive your test results? (expect / expectancy / expectantly)
3 When we were younger, we live in a village. We moved to the city when I was about ten years old.
(were used to / use to / used to)
4 By the end of this year, we here for ten years. (will live / will be living / will have lived)
1 operations 2 expect 3 used to 4 will have lived
5 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
1 He has written many books, but his final book made him famous all over the world.
He has written many books, but it ..................................................................................................... .
2 He started studying at 5 p.m. It’s 10 p.m., and he’s still studying.
He ...................................................................................................since 5 p.m.
3 It is normal for me now to get up early to study.
I am............................................................................................................. .
1 is/was his final book that made him famous all over the world.
2 has been studying
3 used to getting up early to study now.
Speaking: Page 42, exercise 6
6 Your local health centre has been given a large donation and they want to use it to improve the facility. Here are some ways in which it could be improved:
• a cafeteria • disabled access • a nutrition centre • a new swimming pool
Discuss with your partner the advantages and disadvantages of all the possible facilities.
Decide which two facilities are the most useful.
Writing: Page 42, exercises 7 and 8
7 Edit the following text. There are two grammar mistakes and three punctuation mistakes.Find and correct them.
Scientists will say that exercise is not only important for general fitness; but that it is also good for the brain, it helped us concentrate better? As a result, we perform better in exams. |
1 say 2 fitness, 3 brain. It 4 helps 5 concentrate better.
8 Write a four-paragraph essay agreeing or disagreeing with the statement below.
‘Large-scale building projects are certainly a necessity in the development of the modern world.’
Activity Book, page 29, exercises 1 and 2
1 Read the beginning of this article about Ibn Rushd and answer the questions.
Ibn Rushd was a famous Islamic polymath who was born in Cordoba, Al-Andalus, in the twelfth century. During his lifetime, he was widely known and respected for his teaching and his books. Even now, nearly nine hundred years after his birth, he is still remembered as a great scholar, scientist and writer. In fact, he is even remembered in space because scientists named an asteroid (that’s a rock which orbits the sun) after him, in honour of his great contributions to astronomy. |
1 Approximately how many years ago was Ibn Rushd born?
2 The text describes an unusual way of honouring Ibn Rushd. What is it, and why was it done?
1 nine hundred years ago.
2 Scientists named an asteroid after him in honour of his great contributions to astronomy.
2 Listen to the rest of the information and answer the questions.
Audioscript As a young man, Ibn Rushd studied the law. He also studied philosophy, and soon took up medicine too. One of his most infl uential works was a medical encyclopaedia, Kitab al-Kuliyyat fi -Tibb (كِتابُ الكُلِّيّاتِ في الطِّبّ) ), or ‘Generalities’ as it is known in the West. Ibn Rushd also wrote books on psychology, geography, physics, maths and music. From the age of 31 until his death about 40 years later, he wrote an amazing number of books – at least 80 books of his own as well as a large number of translations of Greek philosophy. Although the place where he died was Morocco, there is a statue of Ibn Rushd in Cordoba where he was born, and where for many years he lived as a scholar, lawyer, scientist, doctor and writer. |
1 What subject did ‘Generalities’ deal with?
2 How old was Ibn Rushd when he started writing books, and roughly how many original books did he write?
3 How is he remembered in the place of his birth?
1 medicine
2 He was 31 when he started writing, and he wrote at least 80 original books.
3 There is a statue of him in Cordoba, Al-Andalus.
Activity Book, page 29, exercises 3 and 4
3 Work with a partner.
a Look at the list of inventions and add two more of your own ideas.
• the printing press
• the wheel
• the World Wide Web
• antibiotics
• the radio
• writing
• electric lighting
• paper
• ...................................
• ...................................
b Number the inventions in order of importance 1 to 10 (1 = the most important). Discuss ideas and make sure you can explain them.
Students' own answers
4 Which invention did you choose as the most important? Give your reasons.
Activity Book, pages 29 and 30, exercises 5, 6 and 7 Grammar
5 Choose the correct option, a, b, c or d.
1 Excuse me, is there chemist’s near here?
a. an b. the c. x d. a
2 In three years’ time, my brother graduated from university.
a. has b. will have c. is going to d. will
3 Soon we packing for our holiday.
a. ’re going to b. ’ll be c. ’re going d. will have
4 Where did they to school?
a. used to going b. used to go c. use to go d. use going
1. d 2. b 3. b 4. c
6 Write one sentence that means the same.
1 The Egyptians built the pyramids.
It was the.........................................................................
2 Ali intends to finish his project tonight.
Ali is..................................................................................
3 London is a huge city. It’s the capital of the UK.
1 It was the Egyptians that/who built the pyramids.
2 Ali is planning to finish his project tonight.
3 London, which is the capital of the UK, is a huge city.
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Are you tomorrow? (go)
2 Where have you been? I.....................................for ages. (wait)
3 Our grandmother used................................... us stories at bedtime. (tell)
4 Will it still.......................................... this evening? (rain)
5 Before she went to the library, Huda...........................her mother to prepare lunch. (help)
1 to go 2 have been waiting 3 to tell 4 be raining 5 had helped
Activity Book, page 30, exercises 8, 9 and 10
8 Complete the following sentences with words from the box. One word is not needed.
ailment artificial equipment fund textiles |
1 My sister wants to be a fashion designer and work with............................
2 Before the boys go climbing, they’ll go to a special shop to buy all the................................ that they need
3 Older people tend to suffer from more...................................s than younger people.
4 My parents have saved enough money to .............................. our university courses.
1 textiles 2 equipment 3 ailment 4 fund
9 Write the words in the correct lists. Two of the words are not needed.
arithmetic astronomer gallery calculations polymath textiles disabilities geometry smartphone physicist ceramics symptoms career allergies |
Mathematics | |
matters Medical |
People | |
The arts | |
Mathematics: arithmetic; calculations; geometry
Medical matters: disabilities; symptoms; allergies
People: astronomer; polymath; physicist
The arts: gallery; textiles; ceramics
10 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 9.
1 If you don’t feel well, you should describe your......................... to the doctor.
2 There is a good.............................. for contemporary art across the street.
3 A telescope enables ..............................s to observe the stars.
4 It is often impossible for people with.................................. to climb stairs.
5 In our Maths exam, we have to write down our................................. as well as the answers.
1 symptoms 2 gallery 3 astronomer 4 disabilities 5 calculations