اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



- To use context to guess the meaning of new words

- To use context to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words and ideas when listening to a text about money

- To use dictionaries and glossaries to confirm and clarify word meaning

- To participate in a class discussion about adjectives and their connotations

- To classify countable and uncountable nouns in a table

- To use quantity words and expressions to describe two pictures by finding the differences between them

- To interview peers about possessions and lifestyle using How much and How many

- To use pictures to make guesses

- To use context to guess the meaning of new words

- To use context to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words and ideas when reading a text about the Red Crescent

- To use dictionaries and glossaries to confirm and clarify word meaning

- To use prior knowledge to answer questions about the Red Crescent

- To develop reading strategies to predict answers to questions

- To develop strategies of active listening to a text about first aid

- To compare and contrast different opinions of different persons on choosing a project proposal

- To write an argument for a project proposal

- To prescribe community service

- To recognise the significance of agreement and disagreement expressions for understanding when listening to a dialogue

- To take part in a debate using words related to agreement and disagreement

- To participate in a peer discussion about personal activities

- To identify words from definitions to complete a crossword puzzle

- To participate in a class discussion about reasons for supporting a charitable organisation

- To make a poster for a charitable campaign

- To take part in a well-prepared authentic presentation to the class

- To devise a plan to help