اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Module 5

Lesson 4 and 5

Student’s Book pages 53–55


Skills focus

Volunteer! Save lives!


Before reading


While reading

The Red Crescent

In 1877, the Ottoman Empire went to war with Russia. The medics who took care of the wounded soldiers on the Russian side marked their ambulances with a red cross. This was the symbol used by all countries to protect medics during battles. However, the cross reminded the Ottoman Empire of previous wars against soldiers carrying a similar flag. So the Ottoman officials used a red crescent to mark their ambulances instead. Some time later, other Muslim countries accepted this symbol, and it was formally adopted in 1929. So far, 33 Islamic countries have recognised the Red Crescent.


The Red Crescent Society is part of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. This is a huge organisation that has 97 million members, volunteers and supporters in 187 National Societies. Red Crescent societies are important to the International Federation, as they have developed guidelines that include non-Western traditions.


Today, the Red Crescent is very important in responding to disasters such as earthquakes or fires, as well as providing aid to developing countries. A key principle of the organisation when providing this aid is neutrality. Red Crescent volunteers work to prevent suffering for everyone – regardless of nationality, race, religion or gender.


The text talks about:

-How the Red Crescent got its name.

-The importance of the Red Crescent to the International Federation.

-The missions of the Red Crescent to help people.

-The Red Crescent in the past and in the present.


After reading

-Why are the Red Crescent societies important to the International Federation?

They have developed guidelines that include non-Western traditions.


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