Unit 1 (Use a dictionary)
Pupil’s book page 4 ex 1 (Listen and read) Lesson 1+2
Picture 1
Mr Yusuf: Good morning, everyone. My name’s Mr Yusuf and I’m your new teacher. I hope you all enjoyed the summer holiday. Did you visit some beautiful places in Jordan? Today, you are going to write about them.
Picture 2
Kareem: How can we find information about the places?
Mr Yusuf: Use an encyclopedia. There is a lot of information in an encyclopedia.
Kareem: It’s a big book. Where do I look?
Mr Yusuf: Look at the index. Find the number of the page there.
Picture 3
Kareem: I’m writing about Umm Qais. There are some Roman buildings there. How do you spell “building”?
Ali: I can look up the word in the dictionary. Here it is .B-u-i-l-d-i-n-g-s.
Kareem: Can you repeat that, please?
Ali: B-u-i-l-d-i-n-g-s.
Picture 4
Mr Yusuf: Now check your partner’s work, please.
Kareem: Your work is very good, Ali.
Ali: Your work is very good, too!
Mr Yusuf: Good. Now I can mark your work.
Pre reading questions:
- Have you enjoyed your summer holiday? Yes, I have/No, I haven't
- Where did you go? Free answers
- Meanings:
Index: فهرس information:معلومات
- What are these
- encyclopedia dictionary
While reading questions:
- Who is Mr Yusuf? The new teacher.
- What are they going to write about? They are going to write about their visit to some beautiful places in Jordan.
- Which book does Kareem use? The encyclopedia.
- How does Kareem find the number of the page? He uses the index.
- What place is Kareem writing about? Umm Qais
- What does Kareem ask Ali? To spell “buildings”
- How does Ali check the spelling? He looks up the word in the dictionary.
- What does Mr Yusuf tell Kareem and Ali to do? check their partner’s work
- What cam Mr Yufuf do with Kareem and Ali’s work? He can mark it
Post reading questions:
- Can you spell words correctly? Yes, I can/ N0, I can’t
- Can you use a dictionary and an encyclopedia? Yes, I can/ N0, I can’t