مدرسة جواكاديمي

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Unit 5 lesson 3 A Trip To ANTARCTICA

اللغة الإنجليزية - الصف العاشر

Lesson 3

Before reading

Look at the photos




  Ushuaia city




Half Moon Island



boiling hot springs of Deception Island





Do you know a place where it is day for six months of the year? Do you also know where ice and weather, not clocks and calendars, determine when and where people travel? If you visit Antarctica on one of our adventure trips, you’ll discover a continent that has incredible beauty. Antarctica is the southern continent and is surrounded by the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.

If you come on one of our fascinating trips, your adventure will begin with a flight to Argentina. From there, you will travel with our guide to Ushuaia, the most southerly city in the world, and join our special ship. On the way to the South Pole, our ship passes through amazing scenery. If you go on deck, you will see huge icebergs, as well as whales, seals and many different sea birds. Our team of experts will be there to help you if you have any questions.

Passengers go on trips every day if it’s sunny. One of our most popular trips is to Half Moon Island. Passengers can also spend an afternoon at the boiling hot springs of Deception Island. There is a lot of time to enjoy your trip because it’s light for twenty-four hours a day during the summer in the Antarctic. A boat trip to Antarctica is an unforgettable experience.


Please remember:

Our boat trips are from November to February. (We don’t take passengers to Antarctica unless it is summer there.)

• You need warm clothes if you come!

• Don’t get too close to the wildlife: some animals attack if you come near them.

• There are no banks in Antarctica. If you want to buy something, you’ll need some money.

• If you book before 1st September, you’ll get a free visit to the Amundsen-Scott research base.


While reading

The main ideas

The text talks about :

  • The incredible beauty of Antarctica.
  • The location of Antarctica.
  • The weather of Antarctica.
  • The day and night cycle in Antarctica.
  • The boat trips in Antarctica.
  • The wildlife in Antarctica.
  • Ushuaia the most southerly city in the world.
  • The most popular trips to Half Moon Island.
  • The boiling hot springs of Deception Island.


   After reading

      Where is Antarctica?

    In the South Pole.

    What happens in summer in Antarctica?

     There is light for twenty-four hours a day during the summer in the Antarctic.


     Underline the key information in the text.

     Key information is underlined in the text.