اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Unit 11 (our city wasn’t called Amman)

(Listen and read) Lesson  1+2

Picture 1

Kareem: In the past, our city wasn’t called Amman. It was called “Philadelphia”

Dad: Let’s visit the old city today.

Kareem/Samira: That’s a good idea!

Picture 2

Dad: This is the Roman Theatre. In the past, the Roman Theatre was bigger.

Kareem: Was the stage here?

Dad: Yes, it was.

Samira: Were there people here?

Dad: Yes, there were.

Picture 3

Mum: In the past, this street was a river.

Dad: There was fountain and a big pool.

Picture 4

Samira: Were these trees here when you were young, Dad?

Dad: Yes, they were! These trees were smaller than me when I was young. Now, they are taller than the houses!

Pre questions

  1. What is you city called? It was called “Philadelphia”
  2. Were there trees in your city in the past? Yes,there were/No,there weren't
  3. What are these: 


    fountain                    pool                              river            The Roman Theatre           street                         stage 

While reading

  1. What was Amman called in the past?
  2. Was The Roman Theater bigger or smaller in the past?
  3. Were there people in The Roman Theater in the past?
  4. What was there instead of the street in the past?
  5. Were there trees in the old city when Dad was young?
  6. Dad: “Yes, they were! These trees were smaller than me when I was young. Now, they are taller than the houses!

The underlined pronoun (they) refers to…………….


  1. It was called “Philadelphia”.
  2. It was bigger.
  3. Yes, there were.
  4. In the past, this street was a river. There was fountain and a big pool.
  5. Yes, there were.
  6. These trees


Post reading

Free answers

1-Do you like visiting old cities op places? Yes, I do/No, I don’t

2-Were there ruins in you city? Yes, there were/No, there weren’t

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