اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Review 3

Activity book page 50 ex 1 (Read and complete)

Khaled: I’ve just spent the weekend with my grandparents. My grandmother told me about when she was young.

Raed: Did she live in Amman when she was young?

Khaled: No, she didn’t. She lived in Mukawir with her family. My grandmother learned to weave when she was a girl. She showed me a rug which she made. It was very beautiful.

Raed: could your grandmother sew when she was a girl, too?

Khaled: Yes, she could. She could sew and she could do embroidery. Things were different when grandmother was young. There weren’t any computers and she couldn’t speak English. They sang songs and they played music. Her brother flew his kite.

Raed: Did she like sport? Could she play tennis?

Khaled: No, she couldn’t. Girls didn’t play tennis when she was young. My mother and my sister play tennis now. They’re very good!

Raed: Did your grandmother help at home when she was young?

Khaled: Yes, she did. She tidied up the house and she helped to cook. She learned to cook mujaddara.

Raed: My sister can cook. She likes cooking mujaddara, too. It’s my favourite meal.

Khaled: Yes, it’s delicious


Pre reading questions

1-Can your grandparents tell you what they did in the past? Yes, they can/No, they can’t.

2-Was there a computer when your grandparents were young? No, there wasn’t

While reading questions

  1. Where has Khaled spent the weekend? With his grandparents
  2. Where did Khalid’s grandmother live when she was young? She lived in Mukawir
  3. When did she learn to weave? When she was a girl.
  4. Could she do embroidery? Yes, she could.
  5. Could she speak English? No, she couldn’t.
  6.  Did girls play tennis when she was young? No, they didn’t.
  7. What did She learn to cook? Mujaddara

Post reading questions

1-Do you like Mujaddara? Yes, I do/No, I don’t

2- Can you cook? Yes, I can /No, I can’t

3-What is your favourite meal? Mansaf


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