مدرسة جواكاديمي

هنا يمكنك تصفح مدرسة جو اكاديمي، المنهاج، اسئلة، شروحات، والكثير أيضاً

to talk about science

اللغة الإنجليزية - الصف السادس

Unit 12 (Let’s do an experiment)

Activity page 59 ex 5 (Read and order the pictures)

An experiment

If you put an egg in water, it sinks. How can you make the eggs float?

You need: an egg, water, some salt, a drinking glass.

  1. First, put some water into the glass.
  2. Put in lots of salt ( about 6 large spoons)
  3. Mix the salt into the water.
  4. Put more water into the glass carefully. Don’t mix it.
  5. Then, put the egg into the water slowly. 

What happens? The egg doesn’t sink. It goes through the normal water and it floats on the salt water!

Why does this happen?

Salt water is heavier than normal water. So, in this experiment, the egg doesn’t sink. It floats on the salt water.

Pre reading questions:

What can you see in the glass? An egg and water.  (salt)

While reading questions:

  1. What happens if you put an egg in water? it sinks.
  2. What do you need for the experiment? an egg, water, some salt and a drinking glass.
  3. What is the first step? First, put some water into the glass
  1. -What happens when we add salt to the water? The egg floats on the salt water   

5-What happens? The egg doesn’t sink. It goes through the normal water and it floats on the salt water! The underlined “it” refers to… (The egg)

Post reading questions

Can you do this experiment at home? Yes, I can


            3                     4                1                 5                2

1. c       2. e        3. a       4. b    5. d