مدرسة جواكاديمي

هنا يمكنك تصفح مدرسة جو اكاديمي، المنهاج، اسئلة، شروحات، والكثير أيضاً

To talk about airport facilities

اللغة الإنجليزية - الصف السادس

Unit 9 (we went to the airport)

Pupil’s book gage 46 ex. 5(Read and answer)

Does Samira like airport? Yes, she does

We went to Queen Alia International Airport on Saturday. It is the biggest airport in Jordan. There is a new airport building. His Majesty King Abdullah II opened the new building in March 2013. It is very big and very modern. I think that it looks beautiful. The windows are really big. You can watch the planes take off and land. There is a mosque. There are also a lot of shops, cafes and restaurants inside the building. It’s great!

My father told my brother and me about the airport while we were waiting for my uncle and aunt. The new building is more than 100,000 square metres. That’s about the same size as two of the old buildings! More than 1,000 planes land and take off from the airport every week. Many people come here every year.

I liked the airport very much. A lot of other people like the airport too. The airport has won some prizes.

Pre questions

  1. Do you like airport? Yes, I do/No, I don’t
  2. What can you see in the airport? Planes, big rooms, shops, cafes and restaurants….
  3. What are these: (    land     airport       mosque  take off      prizes)


            land                                            airport                                      mosque                                  take off                                    prizes

While reading questions

  1. When did they go to Queen Alia International Airport?
  2. Who opened the new building?
  3. Are the windows small?
  4. What are there inside the new building?
  5. When did their father tell them about the airport?
  6. How many planes land and take off from the airport every week?
  7. What has the airport won?


  1. They went to Queen Alia International Airport on Saturday.
  2. His Majesty King Abdullah II.
  3. No, they aren’t.
  4. There are a mosque, a lot of shops, cafes and restaurants.
  5. While they were waiting for their uncle and aunt.
  6. More than 1,000 planes.
  7. . The airport has won some prizes.

Post reading questions:

Free answers

  1. Do you like travelling by car, train or plane?  E.g by plane
  2. Are you afraid when the plane takes off? Yes, I am/ No, I am not