مدرسة جواكاديمي

هنا يمكنك تصفح مدرسة جو اكاديمي، المنهاج، اسئلة، شروحات، والكثير أيضاً

To show appreciation of the past

اللغة الإنجليزية - الصف الخامس

Unit 6 (Grandpa took this photo)

Activity book page 25 ex 5 (Read and complete) lesson 6

My favourite holiday     By Yousef

We went to Petra last year. It’s a very interesting place and I learnt a lot. I want to visit it again. Petra is a very old city and it’s very big too. There are lots of beautiful old buildings. The people were very clever when they built the city. They used rock from the mountains. The rock is red, and the buildings are red too. I took a lot of photos with my phone.

We went to the museum and Petra too. It opened in 1994 and there are lots of things to see. I learnt a lot about the history of the city and its people. I bought a book in the shop. It’s got lots of pictures. I enjoyed the trip very much.

Pre reading questions:

  • Who describes his favourite holiday? Yousef.
  • Do you like holidays? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

While reading questions:

  • Where did Yousef go last year? To Petra.
  • Is Petra an interesting place? Yes. It is.
  • Does he want to visit Perta again? Yes, he does.
  • Is Petra an old city? Yes, it is.
  • Is it a small city? No, it isn’t.
  • Are there lots of beautiful old buildings? Yes, there are.
  • What are the colour of the rock and the buildings? Red.
  • When did the museum at Perta open? In 1994.
  • What did Yousef buy? He bought a book
  • Did he enjoy the trip? Yes, he did
  • "We went to the museum and Petra too. It opened in 1994". The underlined pronoun "it" refers to (The museum)

Post reading questions:

  • Where did you spend your last holiday? Free answers.