مدرسة جواكاديمي

هنا يمكنك تصفح مدرسة جو اكاديمي، المنهاج، اسئلة، شروحات، والكثير أيضاً

To express wishes

اللغة الإنجليزية - الصف السادس

Unit 3 (At the book fair) Lesson 1+2

Pupil’s book page 12 ex 1 (Listen and read)

Picture 1

Dad: This is Amman International Book Fair! There are books by writers from lots of different countries. In my opinion, this is the most interesting event in Jordan.

Kareem: look, there are some books by Jordanian writers! Let’s go there first. I’d like to buy a book by a Jordanian writer.

Picture 2

Samira: Look at these books. Mum! I’d like to buy this book about charity work. It looks very interesting.

Mum: Yes, let’s buy this book for you. Kareem, would you like to buy that book for your cousin, Salma?

Kareem: Yes, I would. She would love this book!

Picture 3

Dad: What would you like to do now, children?

Kareem: I’d like to listen to some stories.

Samira: I prefer to go to the face-painting stall!

Mum: OK. Let’s listen to the storyteller and then go to the face-painting stall

Picture 4

Dad: What did you enjoy most today, children?

Kareem: I loved looking at all of the books. There are so many books by Jordanian writers!

Samira: I liked the books, too, but I also liked the storyteller and the stories. It was a great day!


Pre reading questions

  • Do you like books? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.
  • Meanings :  Charity work: عمل خيري
  • What are these:
  •           book fair                              face painting                   storyteller

While reading questions

  • What are the family doing? They are visiting Amman International Book Fair
  • Are there books written by Jordanian writers? Yes, there are
  • What does Kareem want to do? He wants to buy a book by a Jordanian writer.
  • What does Samira want to buy? She wants to buy a book about charity work.
  • Would children like to buy a book for their cousin? Yes, they would.
  • What would Kareem like to do now? He’d like to listen to some stories.
  • What would Samira like to do? She likes to go to the face-painting stall
  • Does Samira like the storyteller? Yes , she does

Post reading questions

  • Would you like to buy a book? Yes, I would/ No, I wouldn’t
  • Would you like to go to the face-painting stall? Yes, I would/ No, I wouldn’t
  • Would you like to listen to the storyteller? Yes, I would/ No, I wouldn’t