اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

الحادي عشر خطة جديدة


1. Read the article and check which forms of communication …

اقرأ المقال وتحقق من أشكال الاتصال

- make it easier to stay in touch nowadays.
- can be used to convey a short and simple message
- were a good way to quickly spread the message that an enemy was coming.
- could be a good way to make contact if you were stuck on a desert island.
- can carry a message over a long distance.


1) the mobile phone and the internet
2) the telegraph
3) bottles
4) smoke signals
5) The mobile phone and the internet. (it depends)

Messaging through time …
Since the dawn of time, people 1have been using different ways of communicating at a distance.

منذ فجر الزمان، كان الناس يستخدمون طرق مختلفة للتواصل عن بعد

In ancient times, (1)they used smoke signals and after writing developed, (2)they2 invented more ingenious methods of delivering messages; for example, sending a message in a bottle. At the turn of the 20th century, bottles were found which had been sent by people (3)who 3were travelling on board the Titanic. Happier stories have also come to light. In 1956, Ake Viking, a Swede, tossed a letter into the sea, hoping (4)it would reach (5)his future wife. Two years later, (6)he received a letter from a Sicilian girl, Paolina, who4 had found (7)his bottle and soon after (8)they were married!

في العصور القديمة، استخدموا إشارات الدخان وبعد تطور الكتابة، اخترعوا أساليب أكثر إبداعا لإيصال الرسائل ؛ على سبيل المثال، إرسال رسالة في زجاجة. في مطلع القرن العشرين، تم العثور على زجاجات تم إرسالها من قبل أشخاص كانوا مسافرون على متن تيتانيك. وانكشفت ايضا قصص مفرحة. وفي سنة ١٩٥٦ ، ألقى السويدي آيك ڤايكن رسالة في البحر آملا ان تصل الى زوجته المستقبلية. وبعد سنتين، تسلّم رسالة من پاولينا، فتاة صقلية وجدت زجاجته وبعد وقت قصير من زواجهما.

The invention of the telegraph in 1837 sped up communication dramatically. A criminal, John Tawell, was caught after (9)he had escaped on the train to London. A telegram was sent to the London police, and (10)they 5were waiting for (11)him when (12)he arrived (13)there. In Jordan, there are over six million mobile phones in use by the population. But you can still send telegrams through the Jordan Post Company!

اختراع التلغراف في عام 1837 سرع الاتصالات بشكل كبير. تم القبض على المجرم، جون تاويل، بعد أن هرب في القطار إلى لندن. تم إرسال برقية إلى شرطة لندن، وكانوا في انتظاره عندما وصل إلى هناك. في الأردن، هناك أكثر من ستة ملايين هاتف محمول قيد الاستخدام من قبل السكان. لكن لا يزال بإمكانك أن ترسل برقيات من خلال شركة بريد الأردن.

Since the invention of the mobile phone and the Internet, the world 6has become a different place. People 7are still sending messages and it usually 8takes only seconds to deliver (14)them. But 9are we now forgetting how to communicate face-to-face? Without a doubt there are some challenges, but there are also examples of when the Internet 10has changed someone’s life for the better. Look at Tara Taylor’s case, a mother (15)who 11lives in the USA: when (16)she uploaded a photo of (17)her daughter on social media, a friend spl,k;otted a problem with one of the child’s eyes. It turned out that the girl had a rare disease, but her sight was saved!

منذ اختراع الهاتف المحمول والإنترنت، أصبح العالم مكانا مختلفا. الناس لا تزال ترسل الرسائل وعادة ما يستغرق تسليمها ثوان فقط.هل نسينا الآن كيف نتواصل وجها لوجه؟ لا شك ان هنالك بعض التحديات، ولكن هنالك ايضا امثلة عن اشخاص غيَّروا حياتهم من الانترنت الى الافضل. انظروا إلى حالة تارا تايلور، وهي أم تعيش في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: عندما رفعت صورة لابنتها على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، لاحظ أحد الأصدقاء مشكلة في إحدى عيون الطفل. اتضح ان الفتاة مصابة بمرض نادر، لكن بصرها انقذ !


Meaning Words

To maintain contact with another person.

الحفاظ على الاتصال مع شخص آخر.

Stay in touch

 ﻳﺒﻘﻰ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﻮاﺻﻞ ﻣﻊ

Share the information or message.

شارك المعلومات أو الرسالة.

Spread the message

 ﻳﻨﺸﺮ رﺳﺎﻟﺔ

Carry it (like delivering a paper).

احملها (مثل توصيل الورق).

Carry a message

 ﻳﺤﻤﻞ رﺳﺎﻟﺔ

communicate it to someone directly or indirectly through your words or actions.

نقلها إلى شخص ما بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر من خلال كلماتك أو أفعالك.

Convey a message

ينقل رسالة

To succeed in communicating with someone or something, especially by speaking or writing.

النجاح في التواصل مع شخص ما أو شيء ما، وخاصة عن طريق الكلام أو الكتابة.

Make contact

اجراء اتصا ل

2. Make more collocations with the nouns message, contact, touch, using the verbs from the box. You can use one word twice.

قم بعمل المزيد من التجميعات مع رسالة الأسماء، جهة الاتصال، اللمس، باستخدام الأفعال من الصندوق. يمكنك استخدام كلمة واحدة مرتين.

deliver         establish          lose         maintain         pass on

1. establish/lose/maintain /contact
2. deliver /pass on a/the message
3. lose touch

الضمائر التي وردت في الفقرة
people they 1+2
people who 3
the letter it 4
people they 1+2
  his he-- his 5+6+7
Ake Viking and Paolina they 8
John Tawell he 9
London police they 10
John Tawell him 11+12
London there 13
messages them 14
Tare Taylor Who-she-her 15+16+17

the girl (Tara Taylor’s daughter)

her 18


3. Discuss in pairs. How can a means of communication change someone’s life? Find examples in the text.

ناقشوا معا. كيف يمكن لوسيلة تواصل ان تغيِّر حياة شخص ما؟ اعثر على أمثلة في النص

Suggested answer: - Communication helps people connect with others, share ideas, and learn new things. It can make friends, solve problems, and even change the world!

فالتواصل يساعد الناس على التواصل مع الآخرين، وتبادل الأفكار، وتعلم أشياء جديدة. فيمكنها ان تكوّن صداقات، تحلّ المشاكل، حتى ان تغيّر العالم !


1. Study the Grammar box and match the underlined phrases 1–11 in the article with the meanings a–k.

ادرس المربع النحوي وطابق العبارات التي تحتها خط 1 - 11 في المقالة مع المعاني a -k

Present and past tenses

We use the Present Simple for:
a □routines and habits     11    
b □facts and things that are generally true     8


We use the Present Continuous for:
c □things happening now or around now     7
d □situations which are changing during the present time     9


We use the Past Simple for:
e □actions that started and finished at a specific time in the past     2


We use the Past Continuous for:
f □actions in progress at a specific time in the past     3
g □a long activity interrupted by a short one     5


We use the Present Perfect Simple for:
h □actions and states which began in the past and continue until now     6
i □finished actions in the past when we don’t say exactly when they happened     10


We use the Present Perfect Continuous for:
j □an action in progress or repeated over a period of time up until now     1


We use the Past Perfect for:
k □an action in the past that was completed before another action or time in the past.     4

2. Match time expressions below with the tenses in Exercise 4. Find more time expressions in the article.

قم بمطابقة تعبيرات الوقت أدناه مع الازمنة في التمرين 4. ابحثوا عن المزيد من تعابير الوقت في المقالة.

at the moment/ at the time/ currently/ earlier/ today/ ever since/ every so/ often/ for/
from time to time/ in recent years/ nowadays/ once in a while/ recently/ right now/
since/ the day before yesterday/ these days


present simple Present continuous present perfect past simple/ continuous: past perfect
Every, so often, from time to time, nowadays, once in a while. at the moment, currently, right now, these days. ever since, for, in recent years, recently, since, (since the dawn of time). at the time, earlier today, the day before yesterday, a little while back (in ancient times, thousands of years ago, at the turn of the twentieth century,) in 1956, two years later(, soon after, in 1837, when). ever since, for, since (after)

3. Match the sentence halves. In pairs, discuss the reasons for your answers.

طابق الجملة نصفين ناقشا معا اسباب اجوبتكما.

1- The phone is ringing______b_____. The phone rings ______a_______ .
a. all the time now that we run a business
b. and I can’t find where I’ve put it


2- I’ve been calling Malek______a______. I’ve called Malek_____b_____.
a. all day today
b. a couple of times today


3- It’s getting_____a______. It gets ______b______.
a. easier and easier to stay in touch with people
b. less difficult every time I write an essay


4- I was watching a film____a_____. I watched a film_____b_____.
a. when the lights suddenly went out
b. when I got home from school


5- What do you think____a____? What are you thinking_____b______?
a. of my phone
b. about


7- VALUES Why is it important to communicate regularly with people we care about?

القيم لماذا من المهم ان نتواصل قانونيا مع اشخاص نهتم لأمرهم؟

student own answers

8- SPEAKING Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

التحدث: اكملوا الجمل بأفكاركم الخاصة

1. I was talking to a friend the other day when …

لقد كنت أتحدث مع صديق

2. By lunchtime yesterday, I had already …

بحلول وقت الغداء أمس، كان لدي بالفعل

student own answers

1) present simple: is a verb tense that allows us to talk about things that are generally true or habitual actions in the present. it like describing the simple things in life!

زمن المضارع البسيط يستخدم للتعبير عن (الروتين، و الحقائق المثبته، والحقائق العلمية لا يمكن انكارها)

key words: Always, often, usually, Never , Ever , sometimes, Every, Normally




تركيب جمل المضارع البسيط


• Affirmative الجملة المثبتة

(I – We – You – They) + V1

(He – She – It) + Vs (we add –s) run – runs, eat – eats.
(we add –es when verb ends in ss, sh, ch, x, z, o) fix- fixes, go – goes
(when the verb ends in consonant + y) cry – cries, study – studies
(we add s when the verb end in vowels + y) play – plays

she sleeps

• Negative جملة النفي

(I – We – You – They) +don’t + base form
(He – She – It) + doesn’t + base form
- he doesn’t sleep
- they don’t sleep

• Question جملة السؤال

Do + subject (I – We – You – They) + base form
Does + subject (He – She – It) + base form
- does she sleep?
- do they sleep?

2) present continuous: present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are happening at the moment of speaking.

يستخدم الزمن الحاضر المستمر لوصف الأفعال التي تحدث في لحظة الكلام


key words: At this moment, At present, now, currently, still.
imperative: look, listen, Don’t! watchout! Be!


The present continuous tense is formed using the auxiliary verb "to be" (am, is, are) followed by the present participle (the -ing form) of the main verb.

يتكون الفعل باستخدم الفعل المساعد للفعل الرئيسي

subject + (am, Is, are) + V- ing + object

Am For the first-person singular (I)
is For singular subjects
(I, he, she, it)
Are For plural subjects
(you, we, they)

A. Activity at moment of speaking 

- we are just eating our lunch

A. future plans or arrangements

- Farah is starting his new job next Sunday

B. Asking question

- when is he going home?


C. Negatives

- They aren’t coming to the party.

Uses of Present Continuous استخدام المضارع المستمر

Actions Happening Now:

Present continuous can also be used to describe future arrangements or plans, especially when they are fixed and confirmed.

Temporary Actions or Situations:

It is used to describe temporary actions or situations that are not permanent.

Future Arrangements:

The present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are occurring at the present moment.

الترتيبات المستقبلية:

يمكن استخدام الترتيبات للمضارع المستمرة لوصف الترتيبات أو الخطط المستقبلية، خاصة عندما تكون ثابتة ومؤكدة.

الأفعال أو الحالات المؤقتة: 

يستخدم لوصف الأفعال المؤقتة أو المواقف التي ليست دائمة.

الأفعال التي تحدث الآن:

يستخدم الفعل المستمر لوصف الأفعال التي تحدث في الوقت الحاضر.

Example: My uncle and his wife are meeting for dinner tomorrow. Example: She is staying with her grandmother this Monday. Example: she is writing an massage.

Present Continuous for Future acts: A mistake that some students do is utilizing the present continuous tense rather of the simple future tense for future acts. It is important to bear in mind that the present continuous is employed for acts taking place now or for future plans.

المضارع المستمر للأفعال المستقبلية: من الأخطاء التي يرتكبها بعض الطلاب هو استخدام زمن المضارع المستمر بدلاً من زمن المستقبل البسيط في الأفعال المستقبلية. من المهم أن نأخذ في الاعتبار أن المضارع المستمر يستخدم للأفعال التي تحدث الآن أو للخطط المستقبلية .

Affirmative جملة مثبته
Subject + to be + base + ing
He is watching.
Negative جملة نفي
Subject + to be + not + base + ing
He is not (isn't) Watching
Interrogative جملة استفهامية
to be + subject + base + ing
Is he Watching?

3) present perfect: is a verb form used to express actions that have occurred at an unspecified time before the present moment, emphasizing the result or relevance of the action to the present.

هو صيغة فعل تستخدم للإشارة إلى فعل أو موقف سابق له نتيجة حالية. وعادة ما تستخدم للإشارة إلى الخبرة حتى الإجراءات الحالية أو الأخيرة، أو التغيير الذي حدث على مدى فترة من الزمن.

key words: Since, For, Yet, Just, Already, Never, Ever, Recently, Once, How long


The present perfect tense is formed using the auxiliary verb "to have" (have/has) followed by the past participle of the main verb.

متبوعا بفعل التصريف الثالث have & has يتكون الفعل المضارع التام باستخدام الفعل المساعد.


subject+ have/ has + V3 +complement

Have For subjects
I, you, we, and they
Has For singular subjects
he, she, and it,

- I have just eaten an apple
- I have seen this movie before

Use of Present Perfect

1) Actions That Started in the Past and Continue to the Present: The present perfect is used to describe actions that began in the past and have relevance to the present moment.

الإجراءات التي بدأت في الماضي واستمرت حتى الآن:يستخدم المضارع التام لوصف الأفعال التي بدأت في الماضي ولها صلة باللحظة الحالية.

Example: she has worked at this company for five years.


2) Achievements: Present perfect is used to talk about achievements or accomplishments, emphasizing the result rather than the action itself.

الإنجازات: يستخدم المضارع التام للحديث عن الإنجازات مع التركيز على النتيجة بدلا من العمل نفسه.

Example: "She has graduated from university."


3) Experiences: It is used to talk about experiences in someone's life without specifying when they occurred.

التجارب:وهي تستخدم للحديث عن التجارب في حياة شخص ما دون تحديد متى حدثت.

Example: "He has visited Aqaba several times."

◘ The present perfect tense is used to discuss actions that occurred at an unspecified time before the present, whereas the simple past tense is used to describe events that happened in the past.

يستخدم الفعل المضارع التام لمناقشة الأفعال التي وقعت في وقت غير محدد قبل الحاضر، في حين يستخدم الفعل الماضي البسيط لوصف الأحداث التي وقعت في الماضي .

4) past simple: is used to describe actions or events that occurred and were completed at the past.

الماضي البسيط : يستخدم الماضي البسيط لوصف الأفعال أو الأحداث التي وقعت واكتملت في الماضي


keys words: yesterday – last (year, month, week) – ago – in the past


The simple past consists of the second verb by adding (d/ Ed)

الماضي البسيط يتكون من التصريف الثاني للفعل باضافة (d/ed)

walk    walked

wash    washed


irregular verb 

اما الافعال الغير منتظمة تحفظ كما هي

eat    ate

go    went


The simple past is used to indicate an action that occurred in the past tense and ended

يستخدم الماضي البسيط للدلالة على عمل حدث في الزمن الماضي و انتهى



1. Affirmative

Ex: they played the match last month.


2. Negative

Ex: He didn’t play football.


3. Question

Ex: Did you finish the homework last night?

Yes, I did / No, I didn’t

Use of Past simple

1) Actions in the Past: The past simple tense is used to express actions or events that happened the past and are now finished.

الأفعال في الماضي: يستخدم الفعل الماضي البسيط للتعبير عن الأفعال أو الأحداث التي حدثت في الماضي وانتهت الآن


2) Habitual Actions in the Past: It can also be used to describe actions that occurred regularly or habitually in the past.

الإجراءات الاعتيادية في الماضي: يمكن استخدامها أيضًا لوصف عادات و امور تكررت في الماضي.


3) Speak about something that was true for some time in the past.

يستخدم للحديث عن شئ كان صحيحا لبعض الوقت في الماضي


There are some spelling rules:

1- Adding (-ed)
- Plant → planted
- Help → helped

2- If a verb ends in -e, you add -d.

- like → liked

- use → used

3- If a verb ends in a vowel and a consonant, the consonant is usually doubled before -ed.
- stop → stopped
- travel → travelled

4- If a verb ends in consonant and -y, you take off the y and add -ied.
- try → tried
- carry → carried


5- if the word ends in a vowel and -y, you add -ed.
- play → played
- enjoy → enjoyed

Past simple questions


We use (did) to make questions with the past simple:

Did + subject + base verb

- Did she play football?
- Did you live in Amman?


Past simple Negatives (didn’t)

- I didn’t play football yesterday
- I didn’t live in Amman in 2000

6- past continuous: is used to describe actions or events that were ongoing or in progress at a specific time in the past.
the past continuous tense is formed using the past tense of the verb "to be" (was/were) followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

يتم تشكيل المضارع المستمر باستخدام  was/ were متبوعا بالفعل الرئيسي V + ing


Affirmative Form:

Example: He was reading a book.


Negative Form:

Example: They weren’t watching TV.


Interrogative Form:

Example: Was she studying for her exams?

uses of past continuous

Actions in Progress in the Past: The past continuous tense is used to describe actions that were ongoing at a specific point or period of time in the past.
الفعل المستمر في الماضي: يستخدم الفعل المستمر في الماضي لوصف الأفعال التي كانت جارية في نقطة أو فترة زمنية محددة في الماضي

Example: At 9 AM yesterday, I was cooking breakfast


Interrupted Actions: It is also used to describe actions that were interrupted by another action in the past.
مقاطعة الحدث : تستخدم أيضا لوصف الاحداث التي تم مقاطعتها من قبل حدث آخر في الماضي .

Example: "I was studying when the phone rang.


Parallel Actions: The past continuous tense can describe two or more actions that were happening simultaneously in the past.
الأفعال المتداخلة: يمكن أن يصف الفعل المستمر في الماضي اثنين أو أكثر من الأفعال التي كانت تحدث في وقت واحد في الماضي

Example: While she was writing, he was reading.

Using ‘when’ and ‘while’ with the past simple and the past continuous

• we can use the past continuous with the past simple to describe situation in the past when a continuous action was interrupted
• we can use ‘when’ and ‘while’ with sentence that combine the past continuous tenses and the past simple tenses.


Example: she was studying when the phone rang.


Example: the phone rang while she was studying.

7- The past perfect: is used to describe an action that happened before another action or event in the past. It emphasizes the idea that one action was completed or had already happened before another action took place.

الماضي التام: يستخدم لوصف حدث قبل حدث آخر في الماضي. وهو يؤكد على فكرة أن أحد الإجراءات قد اكتمل أو حدث بالفعل قبل أن يحدث إجراء آخر


the past perfect tense is formed using the past tense of the auxiliary verb "to have" (had) followed by the past participle of the main verb.

يتم تشكيل الفعل الماضي التام باستخدام الفعل المساعد Had  متبوعا بفعل التصريف الثالث.



subject + had + past par􀆟ciple + complement


- She had finished her homework before lunch.
- By the time I arrived, the movie had already started.
- She had never been to Aqaba before last summer.



1) to show an action that happened before a specific point in the past

-she had graduated before she got her first job


2) to expresses a past condition that no longer exists

-I had never visited that place until last year.

8- the past perfect continuous: is used to describe actions or events which started before a particular time in the past, continued for some time, and was still ongoing at a specific point in the past before another action occurred.( the past perfect takes place before another past action)

الفعل الماضي التام المستمر : يستخدم لوصف الافعال أو الأحداث التي بدأت قبل وقت معين في الماضي، واستمرت لبعض الوقت، وكانت لا تزال مستمرة في نقطة معينة في الماضي قبل أن يحدث فعل آخر .


the past perfect continuous tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb "had" followed by "been," the present participle ("-ing" form)


يتكون الفعل الماضي التام المستمر باستخدام الفعل المساعد had يليه been ثم V-ing



subject + had + been +V-ing+ complement


- She had been writing his novel for two years before she published it.
- He had been studying hard on their exams for two weeks.

Uses of the Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

1) To denote an action that has been the cause of another action or event in the past.

للدلالة على عمل كان سببًا لعمل آخر أو حدث آخر في الماضي.


2) To represent an action that started at some point in the past and continued till a particular time in the recent past.

تمثيل عمل بدأ في مرحلة ما في الماضي واستمر أو تقدم حتى وقت معين في الماضي القريب.

4. Match the sentence halves. In pairs, discuss the reasons for your answers.

طابق الجملة نصفين ناقشا معا اسباب اجوبتكما

6- The phone is ringing___________. The phone rings _____________ .
c. all the time now that we run a business
d. and I can’t find where I’ve put it


7- I’ve been calling Malek ______b______. I’ve called Malek ______a______.
c. all day today
d. a couple of times today


8- It’s getting _____a______. It gets _______b________.
c. easier and easier to stay in touch with people
d. less difficult every time I write an essay


9- I was watching a film ____a_____. I watched a film _____b_____.
c. when the lights suddenly went out
d. when I got home from school


10- What do you think____a____? What are you thinking_____b______?
c. of my phone
d. about