اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Unit 6

Lesson 6

Communication Workshop


Comparing old and new

*Have a look .What does this picture show?

The answer: The olympic staduim before and after.

*The key words:

The word The meaning The part of speech
attractive (of a thing) pleasing or appealing to the senses. Adjective
destroy devastate / break down Verb
oppose disagree Verb
monument memorial Noun

*While reading:

These are two pictures of Amsterdam’s Olympic Stadium. The first picture is from 1928. The second is from the present day. Since it was first used, the Olympic Stadium has gone through several changes. In 1987, the city government wanted to destroy it. People opposed its destruction, so the government listed it as a national monument. Renovation of the Olympic Stadium started in 1996. Prince Willem Alexander reopened it on 13 May 2000. The Olympic Stadium has become modern and has recovered its attractive brick construction of 1928.

Once again, it serves as a location for sporting events.

SB page 68 / exercise 1:

1 Are there any buildings that have been renovated in your city/ region/country? Make a list.

Suggested answer:

Have you add a third column to their list of old and new buildings in their notebook to complete the graphic organiser. This column should be labelled Renovated and should include examples of renovated buildings in your city or in Jordan.

Studen't own answer.


SB page 68 / exercise 2:

2 In pairs, choose one renovated building and read about it. Write its main characteristics. If possible, find photos of its original state and of it nowadays. Here are some points to think about:

1. What is the building’s name? What did people do in it?

2. When was it fi rst used? Who used it?

3. What materials did the builders use (brick, concrete, steel, glass)? Draw a picture or fi nd a photo.

4. When did people renovate it and why? What do people do in it nowadays?

5. What has changed and what has remained the same? Draw a picture or fi nd a photo.

The answers: Studen't own answer.


Extra questions for you:

1.What do these picture shows?

The answer: These are two pictures of Amsterdam’s Olympic Stadium

2. Who wanted to destroyed it?

The answer: The government.

3.What did the government do?

The answer:The government listed it as a national monument.

4.When did enovation of the Olympic Stadium start?

The answer: In 1996

5. Who reopened it on 13 May 2000?

The answer:Prince Willem Alexander

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