اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



A "playscript" is essentially the written form of a play, designed to be performed on stage


Think of characters as the people in the story. A playscript has different people who talk and do things.


This is like the beginning of the play. It tells you who the people are and where the story happens. It helps you understand what's going on.


Sometimes, the playscript tells you how the characters are feeling or what they are doing in words inside these ( ) marks. These are called stage directions. They help the actors know how to act.

The elements of this


1. Characters:

  • Faisal, Ibrahim, Hamed   

2. Setting:

  • A living room        

3. Plot:

  • Beginning: The friends are all on their phones, ignoring each other despite being in the same room. This establishes a common problem in today's world.

4. Theme:

  • The impact of technology on communication


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