Comparing things
as … as
Use "as ... as" when you want to say two things are equal or the same in some way.
as + adjective + as
- "Podcasts are as good as vlogs."
This means podcasts are just as good as vlogs. - "Podcasts will be as popular as blogs."
This means podcasts will be just as popular as blogs.
So, "as ... as" shows that two things are equal.
not as … as
Use "not as ... as" when you want to say one thing is not as good or not as much as the other.
not as + adjective + as
- Running a marathon is not as easy as running a 5k.
This means running a marathon is much harder than running a shorter race like a 5k.
- The weather today is not as warm as it was yesterday.
This means that today's weather is cooler compared to yesterday's weather.
So, "not as ... as" shows that one thing is less than the other.